2 English reference: induced astringency [2 1 century bilingual dictionary of science and technology]
Annotation convergence is a therapeutic term. It refers to the treatment method of essence dissipation and slippage failure [1]. Also known as solid astringency [2][ 1]. It is formulated according to the principle of "those who disperse get it" in Huangdi Neijing Su Wen Zhi Zhen Da Lun [1]. Suitable for spontaneous sweating, night sweats, chronic cough and asthma, chronic dysentery and diarrhea, unstable semen, urinary incontinence, metrorrhagia and chronic leucorrhea [1]. There are methods of astringing sweat and consolidating exterior, astringing lung and relieving cough, astringing intestine and stopping diarrhea, consolidating kidney and astringing essence, and stopping leukorrhagia [1].