At first, schools in Rome were bilingual in Greek and Latin, and then gradually emphasized Greek. Soon, the requirement of reading Greek literature became an obvious feature of general education. Latin and Greek were both national academic languages during the reign of Emperor Wei Pa Mi (69 ~ 79). Caesar (GaiusJuliusCaesar, 100-44 years ago) appointed the most knowledgeable scholar in Rome at that time (MarcusTerentiusVarro, 1 16-27 years ago) to establish and preside over public libraries. Since then, Rome has owned several libraries of its own. During the Roman Republic and the whole imperial era, although the Greek language and academic research on Greece were very prosperous, no Roman school could reach the level of educational centers in Athens and Alexandria. Even the old Roman Empire never had its own university, which was closely related to the characteristics of the Roman city-state society and the later Roman Empire.