Why did Confucius value Guan Zhong so much?

Then why is Confucius willing to give Guan Zhong such a high evaluation? Look at the specific dialogue. Lutz said, "Duke Huan killed Miyako for a long time and told him to die suddenly, but Guan Zhong didn't die." Say, "heartless?" Confucius said, "The Duke of Huan joined the nine princes without chariots, but with the help of a clock. That's it! That's it! " One day, a student named Luz came to see Confucius. Reading the Analects of Confucius, among the students who like Confucius, Luz is the one who impressed the most. Lutz and Confucius are just like Li Kui and Song Jiang. Moreover, I have a rather obscene mentality. From a teacher's point of view, you are really glad to have a student like Luz in your class. First, no matter what questions you ask, he will be the first to raise his hand to speak; Second, whatever his answer is, he must have got it wrong. People say this when they see it, and they keep saying it. I speak better than him. I also said a few words. The classroom atmosphere is very active. Lutz is a humble man with human nature. It is his ideal to die generously, so he likes to appeal to Gong Zijiu's loyalty, and he is very disdainful of Guan Zhong's style of life is worse than death. Before Ruthlessness, Lutz was the theme. Lutz was often impulsive when expressing his views, and later he was scolded by Confucius. So in the middle of this speech, he was a little drummed. He paused here and then asked, "Is Guan Zhong unkind?" Nine is many times. Qi Huangong had many meetings with princes, but most of them were "meetings of clothes" rather than threats of force. "You come, I'll hit you if you don't come!" None of these. Can do this, relying on Guan Zhong, which shows that with the help of Guan Zhong, Qi Huangong, the overlord, is very popular, so why can he be so popular? Let's look at the next paragraph: Zi Gong said, "Guan Zhong is not kind." ? Duke Huan killed Miyako for a long time, but he couldn't die, and he was in phase. Confucius said, "Guan Zhong is a duke, a tyrant and a conqueror of the world. The people have been blessed by him until today. Wei Guanzhong, I was left behind. If a man and a woman forgive him, they will cross the ditch unconsciously. "Zi Gong didn't recognize Guan Zhong. So Confucius explained: Guan Zhong assisted Qi Huangong, dominated the princes and rectified the world in one fell swoop. The people are still grateful to him. If it weren't for Guan Zhong, we would all dress like barbarians. According to the custom in China, when a man reaches the age of 20, he will wear a crown and tie his hair on his head. When a woman reaches the age of 15, if she is engaged, she will also tie her hair on her head. So if a man and a woman get married like adults, they are called married couples, because they only tie their hair at the adult ceremony before marriage. There is no such regulation in Di Jun. They are all long hair. The dress skirt of Huaxia nationality opens to the right, which is called right skirt, while Rong Di is the opposite. Wearing a left shirt is the custom of Rong Di. At that time, Rong Di was very influential. There is a saying in The Biography of the Ram Xi Gongsi: "China is endless. "The barbarians in the south and the barbarians in the north, their influence has been touched. One is in our south and the other is in our north. They are touching each other, so where did we go? We are like gossamer in the wind. It's not broken yet, but it will be broken at any time. This is called "endless China". So it's really important to have a character like Guan Zhong at this time. His achievement is to defend Chinese civilization. Guan Zhong assisted Qi Huangong in actively promoting the vassal alliance. The slogan is: "Let your brother be a wolf, and don't be disgusted; Relatives in summer cannot be abandoned. "Dijon is like a jackal. Their ambitions and desires will never be satisfied. It's impossible not to hit him. And we in China, no matter what contradictions or internal contradictions, are relatives, and no one will leave who. Respecting the king and resisting foreigners is Guan Zhong's great cause. If he, like a "vulgar girl", is obsessed with some small credit (trust is credit), find a rope to strangle himself (rope, here is a verb, strangulation) and then throw the body into a small ditch, who will know him? Guan Zhong called for resisting foreign aggression, and Confucius praised Guan Zhong for this. Later, an important proposition of Confucianism was formed, which was called "Discrimination between Chinese and foreigners". Of course, it should be noted that this is not racial discrimination, but mainly cultural superiority. According to the Confucian tradition, it is called "China is China, and the wasteland is wasteland". As long as you accept the culture of China, regardless of your background or political stance, you will be regarded as a China native. This is called "China is China"; On the contrary, if you are from China, you will not admit that you are from China. This is called "Yi Di is Yi Di". "barbarians" certainly don't like this sense of superiority, but in the end they have to accept the superiority of Chinese civilization. For example, after the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, nomads attacked Qufu and burned a torch to the Confucius Temple. However, when the rule was a little stable, Emperor Wu of Jin allocated special funds to rebuild the Confucius Temple, and found the descendants of Confucius in an unknown place, honoring him as the Duke of Feast. -At that time, the descendants of Confucius had gone to the Southern Song Dynasty, and of course they were also making feasts. This leads to a funny situation. There is a feast duke in the south and one in the north. In short, I also respect Kong.