Original text: Confucius said, "Words without deeds, old faith, stealing is not as good as my old Peng."
Confucius said: "Elaborating without creating, believing in and loving ancient culture, I privately compare myself to Lao Peng."
Confucius said that he was "a man of words but no deeds", which was just a modest statement. Moreover, Confucius didn't really just talk and do nothing. For example, using "benevolence" to understand "ceremony" is the creation of Confucius.
What he said just shows that he attaches importance to traditional culture and historical experience, which is also his attitude towards learning.
Confucius devoted his life to the collation of ancient books, and it is precisely because of this that he had the opportunity to get in touch with profound ancient theories.
He absorbed the experience and lessons left by predecessors and made a comprehensive summary of their wisdom.
Moreover, while learning from the sages, he also produced many new ideas and put forward many profound and original ideas.
In the process of spreading and expounding ancient books, he perfectly integrated his new ideas into them.
Confucius' attitude towards traditional culture is: identify with one eye, eliminate the bad, keep the incomprehensible, and inherit the good with all one's strength.
If you believe, you will have it, but if you don't believe, you will have nothing. The great wisdom left by the sages has stood the test of history.
As long as we respect it, be good at learning and make effective use of it, there are many untold benefits for ourselves and society.
Confucius said that he just "described the good things in ancient times without doing anything", that is, he recorded them truthfully without creating them. In fact, this is just his modesty.
As the saying goes, we can know the rise and fall by taking history as a mirror. Only by respecting our own history and traditional culture can we carry it forward.
Confucius once said in Bashu: "Zhou Jian was in the second generation, and he was depressed! I am from Zhou. "
Zhou Li has absorbed the advantages of Li Xia and Li Yin, and evolved and improved on the basis of Li Xia and Li Yin.
This is an experience learned from history, and it is precisely because of this that Confucius repeatedly emphasized the importance of tradition.
Confucius, the founder of Confucian school, not only paid attention to preserving the essence of traditional culture, but also put forward many novel and exquisite views.
For example, give "benevolence" a new connotation, and build a systematic Confucianism on this basis.
It can be seen that Confucius is not a stubborn old man, but an innovative spiritual and cultural master.
Why talk without doing it? Description means describing, doing and learning, in strict accordance with the routines of the ancients, outstanding peers and teachers.
Strictly abide by the implementation, don't think you are smart, change and create. Any problem you encounter, the ancients have summed it up, have answers, and have encountered it.
Even if you sum up the best experience and routine operation methods, you have to find good methods all over the world.
Why are most people unwilling to learn from the ancients? Learn from the master? Learn from excellent peers? It is because most people think they are smart, smart.
Look down on the ancients, teachers and some excellent people, everyone has their own creative desire, which is the root cause of their failure.
Most of the words and experiences of our ancestors are correct, and some problems are caused by the changes of the times, very few of them.
The progress of science and technology does not necessarily mean the progress of thought. Most of what Confucius talked about was thought and management.
Believe in the ancient times, believe in the ancients, believe in the century-old classics, believe that teachers are better than you, and believe that outstanding peers are better than you.
Faith is the most important thing. Don't blindly deny it just because you have judgment.
Excellent teachers, excellent ancients and excellent classics have become a reality.
Respect the reality, believe absolutely, and you will do it.
Listen to the master, follow the master's routine and just carry it out. This is the unity of knowledge and action.