What is visualization?

Data visualization is a scientific and technical research on data visualization. Among them, the visual expression of the data is defined as a kind of information extracted in a certain summary form, including various attributes and variables of the corresponding information unit. [ 1]

This is an evolving concept, and its scope is constantly expanding. Mainly refers to the more advanced technical methods, and these technical methods allow the use of graphics, image processing, computer vision and user interface, through the expression, modeling and display of entities, surfaces, attributes and animations, to intuitively explain data. Compared with special technical methods such as three-dimensional modeling, data visualization covers a much wider range of technical methods.

Data visualization is mainly to convey and exchange information clearly and effectively by means of graphics. However, this does not mean that data visualization must be boring for its functional purpose or extremely complicated for its colorful appearance. In order to effectively convey ideas and concepts, aesthetic form and function need to go hand in hand. Through the intuitive communication of key aspects and characteristics, we can realize in-depth insight into fairly sparse and complex data sets. However, designers often can't grasp the balance between design and function well, thus creating flashy data visualization forms, and can't achieve their main purpose, that is, to convey and exchange information.

Data visualization is closely related to information graphics, information visualization, scientific visualization and statistical graphics. At present, data visualization is an extremely active and key aspect in the field of research, teaching and development. The term "data visualization" unifies the mature scientific visualization field and the young information visualization field.