Ma Jingchun’s works

While working at the State Administration of Foreign Languages, in addition to mainly translating articles from "Beijing Weekly" and "China Today" magazines, I also translated some books introducing Chinese history, ancient Chinese thinkers, Chinese language, Chinese martial arts, Chinese literature and Books on Muslims in China. In addition, he also translated some books on Sino-Arab cooperation, the separation wall, Jerusalem, etc. published by the League of Arab States Representative Office in Beijing.

The main work "Practical A-Chinese Translation Tutorial", published in September 2010 by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, is the culmination of the author's many years of translation and teaching experience. The book is divided into three parts and five chapters, covering the basic principles of translation, a brief history of translation, understanding and expression in translation, comparison and translation of A-Han languages, and methods and techniques of A-Han translation, etc. The book is also equipped with examples and exercises of A-Han translation, focusing on the combination of practice and theory. In addition, the appendix at the end of the book is supplemented with practical information such as the "Chinese-Arabic Transliteration Table" and the "Reference Table for Spelling Arabic Letters with Chinese Pinyin Alphabets", which can be used as both a theoretical guide and a reference for translation practice.