Zigong Wenzheng original text and translation

Zigong asked about government original text and translation:

Original text: Confucius said: "If you have enough food and soldiers, the people will trust you." Zigong said: "We must leave as a last resort. Which of the three should come first?" He said, "Go to the army." Zigong said, "We have to go. What should we do first?" He said, "Since ancient times, there has been death, and the people have no faith." "The Analects of Confucius. Yan Yuan".

The translation is that Zigong asked Confucius for advice on how to govern the country. Confucius said: "There is sufficient food, sufficient armaments, and the people trust the court." Zigong asked: "If we have to eliminate one item, which of the three items should be eliminated first?" Confucius said: "Get rid of the armaments."

Zigong asked again: "If you have to remove one item, which one should be removed first?" Confucius said: "Remove the grain. Since ancient times, people have to die, but if there is no trust from the people, "The Analects of Confucius"

Introduction to "The Analects of Confucius"

The Analects of Confucius was compiled by the disciples and disciples of Confucius, a thinker and educator in the Spring and Autumn Period, who recorded the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. A collection of quotations was written in the early Warring States period. The book consists of 20 chapters and 492 chapters, mainly in the form of quotations and supplemented by narratives. It embodies the political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts, and educational principles of Confucius and Confucianism in a relatively concentrated manner.

The ideological core of "The Analects" is "benevolence". The main contents include: thoughts on treating ghosts and gods, thoughts on how to be a human being and its value, shaping of a gentleman's personality, attitude, method and purpose of learning, and educational thoughts. and methods, thoughts and values ??of governance, principles of governing the country and ensuring peace, etc.