You can understand human nature when you are near water, and you can understand the sounds of birds when you are near mountains. Mountains and streams are easy to rise and easy to recede, easy to reverse and easy to overturn the hearts of small people. When the gold is transported, it turns into iron, and when it comes, the iron becomes like gold. Reading must be done with intention, a word is worth a thousand pieces of gold.
A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain always has a close relationship. It must be said that there are many "villains" in society, and they are all around us. It is difficult to measure the human heart, and anything can happen to it. We must keep our eyes open and know right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness.
In life, you should not trust others easily, you must make your own judgment. There are many people who have a strong purpose in speaking and doing things, and their purpose is not to achieve it through their own efforts, but to do everything possible to get more benefits from others at the expense of the interests of others. This kind of person must be guarded against!
How to identify villains? There is no definite answer to this, but the most direct way is to determine whether a certain thing or a certain person has any bad impact on you? What is the other party's purpose? Why would he do that? By doing so, he will gain by harming his own interests.
As the old saying goes: Watch what they say and watch what they do. If you are good at discovery and summary, the ending may be better.