In fact, people at that time did not strictly abide by this rule. Confucius has some explanations for this, such as "Confucius family language." "The Monument to the Core of Life" said: "Gong (Lu Aigong) said:' Sixteen men are proficient, and fourteen women are changeable, so they can give birth to strangers, while thirty have a room and twenty women have a husband. Is it too late? ! Confucius said:' The ceremony of the husband is extremely extreme and cannot be excessive; A man is a father at the age of twenty and a woman is a man at the age of fifteen. ""It means that the provisions of the Book of Rites are only the highest standards advocated by the government, and it is not a fault for the people to adjust measures to local conditions. After all, when men reach the age of 20 and women reach the age of 15, they are physically ready to get married and have children.
Why did the Zhou government advocate that men marry at 30 and women marry at 20? "The Book of Rites Quli" says: "Men are crowned at twenty, ... stand at thirty, and only when they have a house can they take care of men's affairs, ... and women marry at twenty five years later." "Biography of Shangshu" said: "Men marry at 30 and women marry at 20, which is related to the success of weaving and spinning and the beauty of the article. If not, there would be no filial piety to my aunt, and there would be no servant who adopted my son. " "White alley. Ban Gu's Marriage explains the ideal age for marriage. He said: "A man is thirty years old, strong in bones and muscles, and a father; Female twenty, strong skin, so she is a mother. " Generally speaking, it means that when men reach the age of 30 and women reach the age of 20, they are physically strong and mature, and they have basically mastered production and life skills. Getting married at this stage is conducive to giving birth to a healthy next generation, better serving the in-laws and husbands.
After the Zhou Dynasty, the marriageable age of men and women in all generations was earlier. The changes of marriageable age are as follows: first, the rulers guide marriage customs through decrees in order to multiply the population, increase taxes and corvee; Secondly, for the sake of prosperity, people want their children to get married as soon as possible.
Records of marriage age in ancient books;
Emperor Hui of Han ordered: fifteen women.
Order of Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty: female seventeen.
Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty ordered: fifteen men and thirteen women.
Emperor Taizong's Zhenguan Order: Twenty males and fifteen females.
Tang Xuanzong kaiyuanling: fifteen males and thirteen females.
Song Renzong was born with spirit: fifteen males and thirteen females.
Song Ningzong Jiading Order: 16 males and 14 females.
Song Sima Guang's calligraphy instrument: sixteen males and fourteen females.
Song Zhuxi's family gifts: sixteen men and fourteen women.
Ming Taizu Hong Wuling: Sixteen males and fourteen females.
Ritual system in Qing dynasty: sixteen men and fourteen women.