Dong Zhongshu highly praised Confucius, so he took the Annals of Lu revised by Confucius as the theoretical basis for governing the country and the people.

Spring and Autumn Annals is a chronicle of Lu, which was revised by Confucius. It records the history from the year of Luyin (722 BC) to the fourteenth year of Lu Aigong (4865438 BC+0 BC), and is the earliest existing chronicle work in China. The historical data of Chunqiu is of high value, but it is not complete. Wang Anshi even said that Chunqiu was a "waste newspaper". It is also one of the Confucian classics. In ancient China, spring and autumn were the seasons when princes hired royalty. In addition, Spring and Autumn also represented the four seasons in ancient times. History books record all the major events that occur throughout the year, so "Spring and Autumn Period" is a general term for history books. The official name of Lu's history book is Chunqiu. Traditionally, Chunqiu is regarded as the work of Confucius, while some people think it is the collective work of Lu historians. The writing in Chunqiu is very concise, and the record of events is also very brief. However, during these 242 years, the customs of vassal's attack, alliance, usurpation, sacrifice and disaster were recorded. It records the era of the twelfth generation of Lu, which is completely correct. Compared with the solar eclipse scripture written by western scholars, there are more than 30 solar eclipses recorded in it, which proves that Spring and Autumn Annals was not written by the ancients on the basis of nothing, and can be regarded as a history of faith. However, in the process of long-term circulation, it is inevitable that there will be problems such as escaping from the text and increasing channeling. The original version of Chunqiu contained only 18000 words, while the existing version contained only 16000 words. The language is extremely concise and the wording is orderly. Because the text is too simple for later generations to understand, exegetical works have appeared one after another, explaining and explaining the records in the book, which is called "biography". Among them, Zuo Qiuming's Chunqiu Zuozhuan, Chunqiu Gongyang Zhuan, Chunqiu Gu Liangxi Zhuan and Chunqiu Gu Liangxi Zhuan are collectively called the three biographies of Chunqiu as Confucian classics. At present, the original text of Chunqiu is generally compiled into Zuozhuan as a classic, and the new content in Zuozhuan is biography. According to the Records of Han Literature and Art, there were ***5 biographies in the Spring and Autumn Period: 30 volumes of Zuo Zhuan, 0/1volume of Gu Liang Zhuan, 0/1volume of Zou Zhuan, 1 1 article.