The four mountains reflect the red sun, and the fields are like turtles. Mr. Hu Yin is sitting in the thatched cottage, watching the ditch-treading car and watching the autumn fruits.
Lightning and thunder thundered, and it rained for half a night in Gao Ting. Dry food buries cattle, and beans die with fat pods.
Hang the keel upside down and buy wine to pour customers. Three years later, food is as cheap as water, and now it looks like this.
The sage of Yuanfeng is connected with heaven, and long live the future. Mr. Wild is not poor, and he has worked hard in the old Song Yuanfeng.
2. After Yuan Fengxing by Wang Anshi in Song Dynasty
Song Yuanfeng, a rainy wind on the 10th and 5th.
There is no wheat in a thousand miles, and there are no clouds in the mountains.
The water seedlings are continuous and complex, and the keel is long and dry.
When shad leave the net to cover the island, bamboo shoots are fatter than milk.
One hundred dollars can get a barrel of wine, although not a club leader who smells drums.
Wuer plays a singer and dances, but she is not bitter or happy.
The old man intercepted the water and flowed southwest, and the willows rowed in the middle.
Sleeping in the white sun on a whim, everyone laughed without worrying.
3, "Yamada Long Desire" An Shi of Wang Song
Shan Ye wants to fold for a long time, and the autumn rain is still there.
Women like cool autumn and laugh more when riding bicycles.
The crescent moon clouds roll up water, and the bleak wind blows flat Chu.
Cut straight and straight, and there is no doubt.
In Hoho's reflection, there are several strands of fish scattered.
HarmonyOS system can't ask, what do you know?
When I was asleep, I showed my face. I saw the stars and the moon vomiting.
The keel is dumb, and the family is really miserable.
4, "Waterwheel" Song Meixiaochen
Like a wheel turning, like a rainbow drinking water.
It can divert rainwater and promote the growth of crops.
If you go up, you will gain a lot by losing less.
Hanyin holds an urn, and this principle cannot be read.
5, "Waterwheel" Song Chen Yuyi
By the river all day? Waterwheel? Ming, I have loved this voice all my life.
Romantic is a guest for a while, and bonzi chats with fruit to send poems.