Zi Mozi said: words must be said before they stand. If you don't put the instruments in place first, you will be better than you, and you will be able to withstand that day. I think, although there is a debate day and night, you certainly won't understand. There are three kinds of statements. What are the three laws? Yue: Those who have passed the exam are original and useful. Is it evil to test it? About the Great Sage. Evil is primitive? Look at the eyes and ears of the public. Is it evil to use it? This is a political and national issue, and all people are abiding by it. This is called three methods.
Therefore, Wu Wen, a sage of three generations, thought that when the government was in charge of the world, it said that it was filial, but advised it to respect the virtuous and teach it to be good. Therefore, it taught it politically, rewarding the good and punishing the violent, thinking that the chaos in the world and the danger of the country could be controlled. If you have other thoughts, the profits of yesterday's chaos are Tang's; The king of Wu ruled the chaos caused by Zhou. At this time, it is not easy for the people to change politics and change customs. Stubborn, the world is in chaos; Save Tang Wu and the world will rule. Ruling the world is also the power of Tang Wu; Chaos in the world is also a crime of stubbornness. If we look at it this way, my husband's safety will control the chaos, and his existence will depend on his management. Can I say my husband has a "life"? Therefore, Wu Wen, a former Yutang, thinks that when the government is in charge of the world, it says that when it is hungry, it has food to eat, when it is cold, it has clothes to wear, when it is working, it has a rest, and when it is chaotic, it has won the honor of asking the world. How can a husband think he is "destiny takes a hand"? So I think it is very powerful. Today's sages respect sages and are good at Taoism, so they are rewarded by their princes and adults and praised by their people, so they are honored to ask the world. Do you think they are "life"? I think it's amazing.
However, today's husband has a "life", but he doesn't know the saints and good people of the past three generations. Who died in the past three generations? Say it out, it is not a good saint in the past three generations, but a violent person. Today, however, "fate" is the master. In the past three generations, the violent king was unruly, noble and rich in the world, and did not look at it. But judging from his mentality, he was driven by the outside world. He was satisfied with wine and music, regardless of the politics of his own people. It's no use, violently resisting the people, he lost his ancestral temple. If his words don't say that I am corrupt, I will say that if I don't listen, my life will be gone. Although the past three generations of unscrupulous people have stopped, they are still there. They can't do good deeds and become princes. They hate comity and frugality, but they are simple and generous. They are gluttonous and lazy, lacking food and clothing. They are worried about hunger and cold. His words didn't say I was corrupt, I was not good at it, and I was doomed to be poor. The past three generations of pseudo-people are still there.
In the past, kings were violent and poor people were skilled. This is all suspicion of the public. The troubles of the former holy king are also fixed in the past, and passed on to future generations together with the bamboo silk of the book, the carved stone and the carved plate. Yue: What books are there? There is a saying in Yu's Total Virtue: "I can't allow it (1 1), and the people of Heaven can't keep it (12). To prevent micro-duration (13), heaven adds blame. If you accidentally lose your virtue, where is your destiny? " "Zhong Qiu Zhi Zhi" said (14): "It is said that Xia people ascribe their destiny to themselves, and the imperial style is increase (15) and double (16)." He uses inaction, so it is called correction. If there is, it is said that there is. Is it a real husband? In the past, Jie insisted on the theory of "destiny", while Tang regarded the Notice as a negative theory. A surname also said (17): "Evil is a gentleman! Heaven shows virtue (18) and has done a lot. It's not far from learning. It's said in King Bieyin that people have life, respect is not feasible, sacrifice is useless, and violence is harmless. God is not always there, and nine will die; God is in trouble, wish him a funeral (19). Only I have a week, and I am subject to Emperor (20). " Last week, following a "destiny", the king of Wu made a statement of opposition because of "being a teacher". He said: Nothing is related to the records of Yu Xia in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. From ten arrows to Shang (2 1), there is nothing. What will happen?
Therefore, Mozi said: today's gentleman's speech literature must not only be diligent in the tongue (22), but also benefit from the lips and kisses (23). In fact, he wants everyone in his country to be punished. Today, it is also the reason why princes and ministers retired to Yan, listened to the prison administration, and finally shared it equally, but did not dare to get tired. Why not? Yue: He believes that the strong must be ruled and the weak must be chaotic; Strong will be better, not strong will be dangerous, so I dare not be tired. Today, Dr. Qing has exhausted his strength and thoughtful knowledge, and he has been honest with the government and not tired of it. Yue: He thinks that strength is expensive and weakness is cheap. If you are strong, you will be honored, if you are not strong, you will be humiliated, and you will not be tired. Today, the reason why fleas come out at dusk is that it is better to plant land and trees and collect more millet. If you are not tired, why not? Yue: He thinks that the strong is rich and the weak is poor. Strong people will be full, and weak people will be hungry, so they dare not get tired. Today, the reason why women can't sleep at night is that they are more tired than spinning and weaving and treating Ma Xu (24). Why? Yue: He thinks that the strong is rich and the weak is poor. Strong will be warm, not strong will be cold, so I dare not get tired. Although I don't care about the princes today, if I obey my orders (25), I will be lazy to listen to prison administration, doctors in Qing Dynasty will be lazy to govern politics, farmers will be lazy to plow fields and plant trees, and women will be lazy to spin. I think if princes are too lazy to listen to prisons and doctors are too lazy to govern the government, the world will be in chaos. Farmers are lazy to cultivate crops and trees, and women are anxious about spinning and sewing (26), so I think the wealth of food and clothing in the world will not be enough. If you think that the government rules the world, you should work with ghosts, and ghosts will not do it (27); If we support and support the people, they will be scattered and cannot be used. Therefore, if the rules are not solid, the punishment will be overwhelming. Therefore, although the tyrannical kings of the past three generations, the reasons why Li * * * damaged his country (28) and overthrew his country are also true.
Therefore, Mozi said: today's scholars and gentlemen must really want to prosper the world and eliminate the harm of the world. If there is a "fate", they must not sell themselves short, saying that the "fate" is made by the king and the poor are doing it, which is not benevolent. This is also true. Today, those who are upright and just will not be able to ignore the strong.
Note (1) Set the instrument first: it should be "Set the instrument first". Instruments: methods and rules of instruments. ② Jun: the wheel used in ancient pottery making. Morning and evening: heliograph is an ancient instrument that uses the shadow of the sun to time. Lingwen: The same Lingwen has a good reputation. 4 and: Yes. ⑤ Bi: A handle net used for hunting in ancient times. Yi: Launch with a tethered arrow. ⑥ Zhan: With Shen and Shen Xuan. ⑦: Fatigue and weakness. 8 technique: the same sentence, that is, the sentence that retells life. Pet-name ruby: it should be "accidental gourd ladle". Encounter: Stupidity is stupidity. ⑩ Total virtue: the title of Gu Yishu. (1 1) I can't allow it: it's really disrespectful to heaven. Allow: believe and be true: write; It should be "if", Shun. (12) and: Yes. Bao: Bao Tong. (13) prevention: general prescription, similar. (14) Zhong Qiu's message: Yi Shu's title. Guanzhong: Shang Tang, left. Note: same patent. Formula (15): Universal, therefore. Increase: the same hatred, disgust. (16) Shuang: It's a "mourning" mistake. (17) Qufa: It's the fault of Prince Fafa (from Sun Xingyan). The famous Zhou Wuwang was originally the prince of King Wen. This refers to the first part of Taishi, which is named after the beginning of "The Prince sends a sacrifice to finish". (18) has: same right, assistant. (19) I hope he has a funeral: this means that Zhou Wang's life is predestined, so give him a funeral as punishment. Wish: break. (20) Great Emperor: It should be a "big businessman", Shang Dynasty. (2 1) Ten bamboo slips: the same bamboo slips refer to books. Shang Yi: Above. (22) Only the tongue: it should be the "mouthpiece" (quoted from the king). (23) Lip kiss: refers to the mouth. (24) hemp: that is, hemp (from the king). (Liu). (25) Ruoruo: He is of the same nationality. If, that is, if. (26) anxiety: it should be "lazy" and lazy. (27) Do not make it: think it is disobedient. Make: as slaves. (28)*** Loss: *, when it is an error: loss, that is, loss.
Mozi, a modern translator, said: If you want to make a statement, you have to set a criterion before you speak. If we don't set a standard first, it's like putting a heliograph on the Potter's wheel. I think, although there is a heliograph to measure time, it is inevitable that the exact time cannot be determined by it. So there are three criteria to judge whether the speech is reasonable or not. What are the three criteria? The first is to seek historical facts, the second is to investigate the original work, and the third is to put it into practice. How to seek historical facts from exams? To test the deeds of ancient holy kings. How to examine the origin? Is to look at what people see in their eyes and ears. How to put it into practice? Apply it to governing the country and the people to see its actual effect. These are the three criteria for judging whether a speech is reasonable or not.
Therefore, the holy kings of Xia, Shang and Zhou, Yu Xia, Shang Tang, Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang, said when they ruled the world: We must respect the filial son to encourage people to respect their parents, and we must respect the virtuous to guide people to do good. Therefore, the focus of governance and education is to reward good and punish evil. I believe that as long as this is achieved, the chaotic situation in the world can be managed and the dangerous situation in the country can be stabilized. If you think this is wrong, then try to look at the turmoil under the rule of Xia Jie, which will be well managed in Shang Tang; The unrest under Shang Zhouwang was well controlled in Zhou Wuwang. At that time, the society did not change, nor did the people, but the rulers changed their political measures and the folk customs changed accordingly. Under the rule of Jie and Zhou, the world will be in turmoil; Under the rule of Tang Wu, the world will be at peace. The world is peaceful because of the power of soup and martial arts; Because of the sins of Jie and Zhou, the world is in chaos. From this point of view, the key to security and chaos control lies in the political measures of the rulers. Where is there a "destiny"? So in the past, Yu Xia, Shang Tang, Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang, when they were in charge of the world, all said that they should provide food for the hungry, clothes for the cold, rest for the hardworking and control the turbulent situation. How can you say this is a kind of "fate"? This is really because of their efforts! Nowadays, sages and gentlemen respect talents and study the experience of governing the country hard, so they can be rewarded by the lords of the world and praised by everyone in the world. Is it because of their fate? This is also because of their efforts!
Now, people who insist on the "destiny" don't know whether their views are based on the sages of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. Or is it based on the tyrants and bad guys in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties? According to them, it must not come from the sages of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, but from tyrants and bad people. Now, those who believe in fate are just like tyrants Xia Jie, Shang Zhouwang, Zhou Youwang and Zhou Liwang in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. They are the sons of heaven, rich in the world. In this case, they can't restrain their lust for lewdness, but gallop and hunt as they please, while they indulge in drinking and having fun at home, regardless of the political affairs of their own people, always doing useless things to harm others and themselves. What they say about this is not to point out their weaknesses. Poor governance, but it must be said that his life is doomed to lose the country. Even the incompetent bad guys in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. They can't serve their parents and princes well, they hate respect and modesty, they like arrogance and rudeness, they are greedy for food and drink, and they are lazy to do things, so they endure hunger, cold and frozen hunger. What they say about this is not to point out their weakness and lack of diligence, but to say: I am destined to be poor. The same is true of dishonest people in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties.
The former tyrant made a fateful statement, and the ordinary people further expounded it to deceive those honest people. The previous generation of holy kings had long been worried about this, so they wrote it on bamboo slips, plain silks, carved it on stones, and engraved it on the plate to pass it on to future generations. Someone asked: what book is it recorded in? Yu Xia's "Virtue" once said: "If you really don't obey Heaven, then Heaven and people can't protect him. Since you have a sinister heart, God will punish you. How can fate protect him without paying attention to his moral cultivation? " "Zhong Zhong Patent" said. "I heard that Xia Jie pretended to be ruled by the Emperor of Heaven, who hated him and made him lose his people." He lied that there was a fate that didn't exist, so he said it was a "so-called fate". If "destiny" does exist, and he says it is there, how can it be called "destiny"? Once upon a time, Xia Jie insisted on using the theory of "destiny" to implement his rule, and Shang Tang wrote to Zhong Zhong against him. Taishi's article "Prince Fa" once said: "Ah, gentleman! Obviously, God gives people wisdom. What can be used as a reference is not far away, just in the Yin era. He said that people have a' destiny', there is no need to respect heaven, sacrifice is not good, and greed is harmless. So god didn't sponsor him, and his land of Kyushu was gone. God thought he was disobedient, so he cut off his life and reduced the punishment for his death. And our Zhou dynasty inherited the great life of the Shang dynasty. " Once upon a time, Shang Zhouwang insisted on using "the theory of destiny" to carry out his rule, and Zhou Wuwang wrote "Prince Fa" in Taishigong to oppose him. Why don't you consult the classic works of Shang, Zhou and Yu Xia and trace the history from these books? There is no such thing as fate. Why?
Mozi said: nowadays, gentlemen in the world study literature and express their opinions, not to make their mouths hard and their mouths fast, but to make political contributions to the country, the countryside and the people. What is the reason for the governors to go home from morning till night to try cases and manage political affairs, and dare not slack off? Because they know that if they are diligent, the country will be well governed; If you are not diligent, you will be confused; Work hard and diligently. The country will be stable, and it will be dangerous if it is not diligent. So I dare not slack off. What makes Dr. Qing do his best to manage the government in China, collect tax profits from mountains, lakes and fish beams in Guanshi, and enrich the granary treasury, but dare not slack off? Because they know that if they work hard, their status will be improved, and if they don't work hard, their status will be reduced; Those who work hard will be honored, and those who don't work hard will be discredited, so they dare not slack off. Now farmers go out early and come back late, plowing and sowing hard and collecting more grain, but they dare not slack off. What is the reason? Because they know that if they work hard, they will be rich, and if they don't, they will be poor; If you work hard, you will be full, if you don't work hard, you will starve to death, and you dare not slack off. Women get up early and go to bed late, and work hard on spinning and weaving, making more hemp and weaving bundles of cloth and silk, but dare not slack off. What is the reason? Because they know that if they work hard on textiles, they will be rich, and if they don't work hard on textiles, they will be poor; If you work hard, you can wear warm clothes. It will be cold if you don't work hard, so you dare not slack off. Now, if people believe that there is a "destiny" that affects their actions, then, for princes and adults, they must be too lazy to handle cases, too lazy to take charge of political affairs, too lazy for Dr. Qing to take charge of the government, too lazy for farmers to plow and farm, and too lazy for women to spin and weave. And if the nobles are too lazy to judge the case, too lazy to take care of politics, and Dr. Qing is too lazy to take care of the government, then I think the world will be in chaos. If farmers are too lazy to plow the fields and women are too lazy to spin and weave, then I think the world will inevitably be short of food, clothes and money. If we govern the world according to this situation and worship ghosts and gods, ghosts and gods also think it is against God's will. Maintaining the people down, the people also think that it is not good for themselves, and it is bound to be scattered and cannot be used by the Lord. Therefore, the guards entering the city cannot be consolidated, and the offensive and defensive outside the city cannot win. It is for this reason that Xia, Shang and Zhou tyrants Xia Jie, Shang Zhouwang, Zhou Youwang and Zhou Liwang lost their country and their country.
Therefore, Mozi said: Now, if gentlemen in the world really want to carry forward the benefits and eliminate the harm of the world, then we must resolutely criticize those who adhere to the theory of "destiny", because "destiny" was created by some tyrannical kings and expressed by some civilians, not what benevolent people should say. It is this "theory of destiny" that people who want to be righteous now have to examine and resolutely oppose.
Under normal circumstances, there are three "deaths", and this is the next one. The concept of "non-destiny" was put forward by Mozi in the debate with Confucianism. Mozi believed that the rise and fall of a country depended on the governance of its rulers. People's wealth depends on their own efforts. If we abide by the Confucian thought of "life and death, wealth is in the sky", then as a ruler, we will inevitably be abandoned politically, leading to chaos in the world; As ordinary people, it is bound to waste production and lead to insufficient food and clothing. Mozi's "lifeless" consciousness has simple materialistic factors. At the beginning of the article, the famous "three tables" method is put forward, that is, the judgment of authenticity should be based on historical basis, on what people have seen and heard, and on the effect of putting it into practice. Then, the author uses the "three tables" method to identify and analyze the "fate" problem. First of all, from a historical point of view, Wu Wen, the "three-generation holy king", was well governed, so the world was well governed, and the "three-generation violent king" was stubborn and ruthless, so the world was in chaos, so it was concluded that the rebellion was man-made and there was no "destiny"! The author cites the investigation of the "Holy King" and the books of Yu Xia, Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang to prove that there is no such thing as "fate" in ancient books, which proves the absurdity of this statement. From a realistic point of view, the author also points out that if we believe in the theory of "destiny", princes and ministers and laborers will abandon their jobs, leading to chaos and lack of food and clothing. The method of "three tables" is a kind of epistemology based on practice, which makes the arguments of the article rich, the truth correct and the logical power irrefutable.