There is a story in the book: During the Spring and Autumn Period, King Shou Meng of Wu prepared to attack Jingdi (Chu State), which was opposed by ministers. The king of Wu was very angry and warned at the meeting of ministers: "If he dares to suggest the army, I will put him to death!" " "
At this time, a teenager knew that he was in a low position, and his advice would not have any effect, but would only be implemented. Every morning, he wandered around the back garden of the palace with a slingshot and bullets and soaked his clothes with dew for many days. The king of Wu was surprised and asked, "Why is this?" The young man said, "There is a cicada in the big tree in the garden. While singing loudly, I sucked the dew, but I didn't know there was a mantis behind me. " Mantis wanted to catch cicada, but she didn't know there was a yellowbird beside her. And when the yellowbird is ready to peck the mantis, how does it know that my projectile has been aimed at it? All three of them only care about immediate interests and can't see the disaster behind them. "The prince was very encouraged, so he cancelled the military action.