How to label cited documents in the proposal report

The steps for annotating cited documents in the proposal report are as follows:

1. Insert endnotes. In the Word document, move the cursor to the location where you want to insert the bibliographic annotation, and then select the "Footnotes and Endnotes" option in the "Citations" menu.

2. Select the endnote format. In the pop-up dialog box, select the "Endnote" option and set the numbering method to "Automatic Numbering", usually at the end of the section.

3. Insert the document number. After inserting the endnote, you can see that the comment uses an "i" and you can change it. In the footnote area, you can see the number of the document, usually with Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets "".

4. Adjust the format. If desired, you can format the numbering, for example by choosing a numeric form. You can use the find and replace function to replace "i" with the desired format.

5. Delete the serial number. Since the proposal report may already contain a complete reference list, there is usually no need to display serial numbers in the text, so the serial numbers in the footnote area can be deleted.