As a veteran of the two dynasties, Su Wei made no achievements. There are two main reasons why Su Wei has been prime minister for so many years. The first reason is because of his birth. Su Wei is the successor of Su Chu, so people look up to Su Wei wherever they go. The second reason is that Su Wei will act according to the expression in his eyes. When Su Wei was in have it both ways, he went to wherever it was good for him.
At that time, Su Wei defected to Yu Wenhuaji in order to protect his life, and Yu Wenhuaji was defeated by Wagang Army soon. So Su Wei once again defected to Wagangjun, whose leader was Shi Biao. Su Wei danced for Shi Mi as a sign of sincerity. You know, this kind of etiquette can only be done when courtiers visit the emperor, when Shi Biao is not enthroned. So it is obviously inappropriate for Su Wei to do this etiquette for him.
After defeating the king, Suwei took refuge again. At that time, Su Wei thought he was much older than Li Shimin, so he didn't kneel down when he saw Li Shimin because of his seniority. I thought that Su Wei had danced with Wang He and Shi Biao before, but I was very angry that I couldn't do it, and ordered that Su Wei should not be seen again. After Su Wei was rejected, he repeatedly invited Li Shimin, but Li Shimin still refused. This made Su Wei very depressed, and finally he died of depression.