What is the next sentence of "pay attention to safety when you come"

This sentence comes from a passage of Confucius in The Analects of Confucius. As follows:

Confucius said, "Seeking is a necessary thing for a gentleman to get sick. Qiu also heard that people with state-owned families do not suffer from inequality or poverty. Everyone is not poor, widowed or harmonious. If the husband is like this, he will be dissatisfied with him from a distance, so he will cultivate morality; If you come, you will be safe. You asked for it today. You are a teacher. You can't come if you are far away. The country is falling apart, but it cannot be defended; I am afraid that the internal distress is not in a corner, but in a small wall. "

The meaning of this sentence-the original meaning is that they have been recruited and must settle down. Since Hou Zhi is here, we should settle down here.

When you come, you will be safe. "The Analects of Confucius-Ji's": "If the husband is like this, he is far from being dissatisfied, so he is self-disciplined. It is safe to come. " This sentence was originally intended to settle people who have been here. Later, it was used to mean to go somewhere and feel at ease here. ?

Maybe later Confucius didn't mean it either.

This sentence sounds reasonable, but it actually expresses people's weakness, timidity, laziness, timidity and a kind of complacency. If future generations intentionally change the original meaning of the entry, it means that future generations are not smarter than their ancestors. Courage is not recklessness, but wisdom.

Now most of us are not satisfied with the status quo, but most of us still hold the idea of "coming is safe", or simply lazy, slow and decadent, and then it will be a kind of human confusion. At night, the bar is brightly lit, but few people have lived a full life. Most of them are people who are uneasy about the status quo, but their bodies are full of "coming times".

Even in a broad sense, it can be said to be the world. It is a state, and people who can see "Lai" in such an atmosphere have experienced vicissitudes. Great people in the world will think of the reason why they came to this world.

The profound "coming" is an unsolved problem. For example, if you come to work in a city, if you are crazy, I will choose to leave for another city, and the answer to why I came to this world is only death.

From a small point of view, why I came to this place is composed of many complicated things before I came, and my subjective will is obvious in the future. I didn't want to come, but the situation forced me. In this way, it is more appropriate to use "when you come" At the same time, it gives people a sense of depravity.

Sometimes, a person who can get rid of this "peace of mind when he comes" must be a brave person. He saw the reality of the future in advance and decided to leave and go to a better place. This is different from a simple discovery. For example, when you arrive in the countryside, you realize that you seem to be decadent. At that time, refuting "you are safe when you come" was a simple awakening, an awakening of extreme stupidity and inferiority. I mean, you didn't cherish the good life before and ended up here. This is not blaming others. When a person comes to a place smoothly and selectively, or is forced by the situation just mentioned, he realizes that his choice at that time is incorrect. This is a brave and wise rebuttal, which shows that this person is thinking about his own life, rather than continuing his life as if he were dead. I can even reverse the car to the intersection just now and read the road sign carefully.

Where you really belong, you will be safe when you come. Learn to give up things that are not good for yourself and learn to think about life.