How do you spell the title?

Sometimes we need to add the title before entering the title, but how to enter the title? The following is an article I compiled for you about how to type a book title on the keyboard. Welcome to refer to!

1. Switch to Chinese input method first, make sure your input mode is full-angle mode, and then press (Shift+,) (Shift+. ”).

2. Since everyone is using intelligent input method now, as long as the pinyin "shuminghao" is input, it will generally appear in item 5. The following is my demonstration of using Sogou Pinyin Input Method and qq Pinyin Input Method.

3. You can also use the software disk of the input method to input the title: select the punctuation option of the soft keyboard, and then select the desired title.

4. You can also insert special symbols in word, and punctuation marks can be found.

5. If you really can't type, just copy and paste! This is the standard book title.

The first method is how to type commonly used book titles. Everything else is an auxiliary usage. Remember, you must use full-width symbols to enter them!