The process of data classification, input and statistical analysis is divided into several steps

Simple data statistics generally go through four steps: collection, collation, description and analysis.

1, collect data, arrange data and describe data; Survey methods, statistical charts and tables.

2. Comprehensive investigation and census; Direct, comprehensive and accurate. Data collation is a working process of reviewing, grouping and summarizing a large number of original data collected by statistical investigation according to the tasks and requirements of statistical research, so as to make it organized and systematic and obtain statistical data that can reflect the overall comprehensive characteristics.


⑴ Induction: Histogram, grouping, stratification and statistical analysis can be applied.

⑵ Deduction method: Factor analysis chart, scatter chart and correlation regression analysis can be applied.

⑶ Prevention method: commonly known as control chart method, including Pn control chart, P control chart, C control chart, U control chart and X-Rs control chart.