In ancient times, heaven and earth were inseparable, regardless of yin and yang. Chaos was like a chicken with buds. Qing yang is thin and extravagant; Those with heavy turbidity, sinking and stagnation, subtle combination, independence and easiness, and heavy turbidity and stagnation are difficult. Therefore, there is heaven first, and then there is earth, before the holy life is born. )
In ancient times, heaven and earth were chaotic, filth fell to the ground, pure air ascended to heaven, and God was in the middle.
A thing is born in the world, shaped like a reed bud, and becomes a god, and the country is always glorious. )
The earliest god was "the country will always stand upright"
The second half is longer. To put it simply, there are many gods between heaven and earth, who do their own jobs and reproduce.
(Louis Nozun and Louis Ran are standing on the overpass, and * * * says, "Is there no country now?" "Is the day of Joan spear Joan, jade also, this cloud? Pointing down, it is Cang Zhen. The tide of its spear front dripped and condensed into an island. As the name implies, this island was controlled by the Qing Dynasty. )
A few years later, the two gods, Quanye Zun and Quanran Zun, discussed the founding of the country, so they pointed their spears at the bottom, where the sea was, and the water at the tip of the spear flowed downwards, forming an island called "the island of controlling worries"
Since then, the two gods have thrived on the island, created mountains and rivers and plants, and gave birth to eight sons named Qiu Jinzhou, Er Mingzhou, Zhu Zizhou, Yiqizhou, Zuoduzhou, Yuezhou and Jibeizizhou. This is the origin of the earliest "eight continents".
(Then Louis Nozun and Louis Ranzun said, "I gave birth to eight continents and mountains, so why not give birth to the Lord of the world?" 」 )
Two gods thought that a king of the world should be born. So they gave birth to the sun god. His name was Da Ri Sagui, and he was honored as "the sun shines in the sky". Since then, the gods have cultivated fields in Gaoyuan, taught sericulture and weaving skills, and managed them well, so that the gods can live a comfortable and peaceful life. Later, God Zhao Tian ordered his son, Tian Zhiren Suier, to manage Weiyuan China, which is rich in crops. Since then, the descendants of God in heaven have ruled Ni Hong.