The word jade refers to the brilliance of jade, and a stone as beautiful as jade is also called jade; When you name a girl, it means radiant. Yao is also a ruby, and later it was generally called Yao. The ancients said, "Give me a peach and repay it with Qiong Yao."
The ancient poem "Laugh and frown, and bear to think of the place you invited." Extending the moral connotation of this word means that women are beautiful, charming and beautiful; The original meaning refers to a stone as beautiful as jade. As a name, it means noble, elegant and generous. "Qian Ying", a foreigner, has a beautiful meaning, which means that girls are gentle and kind, with both talents and looks, and beautiful as jade.
Yingzi baby name recommendation:
1, y and ng w m: n (y and ng w m: n)
Wan: Original meaning: obedience. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Wan, Shun Ye". Originally meant to be submissive, it also means submissive or smooth, and it is extended to be gentle or beautiful. Used as a person's name, it means tenderness, beauty, quietness and beauty.
2.yīng yo(yρng yáo)
Yao: Original meaning: surname. According to legend, Yu Shun's Shuo Wen Jie Zi says: "Yao and Yu Shunju live together because they think they share the same surname". Surname generally refers to beautiful appearance. Used as a person's name, it means beauty, perfection and nobility.
3. British knights (Y and ng Jué)
Jue: Double jade, two jade are combined into one Jue. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Jue, two jade are combined into one Jue". 1, treasure, treasure; 2. Hard metal. The word Jue refers to two pieces of jade that are combined together. In the word "harp and harp", "Jue" means "two jade meet and make a pleasant sound". Being used as a name means precious and precious.
4. Yingli (y and y ě ng m ě)
Power: original meaning: towel to cover things. "Book of Rites Evening": "Right to use cloth". A towel meant to cover something; Also refers to covering. Being used as a person's name in America means tolerance and the past.
5. it will remain unchanged for ten thousand years
Wan: Original meaning: obedience. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Wan, Shun Ye". Originally meant to be submissive, it also means submissive or smooth, and it is extended to be gentle or beautiful. Used as a person's name, it means tenderness, beauty, quietness and beauty.