Judaism? Christianity? Catholicism? How to distinguish religions? Interesting topics about western religions

Christianity is a complex religion composed of many sects and belief systems, and different sects and belief systems may have different beliefs and doctrines. However, in general, the core beliefs of Christianity include Judaism, Lutheranism, Calvinism and the New Testament.

In Christianity, the concept of justification by faith is one of the core doctrines. This theory holds that only those who believe that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world and rely on his grace and salvation can be redeemed and become God's voters. This doctrine is clearly stated in the New Testament. In Calvinism, this doctrine is called "believing in the righteousness of Christ" or "believing in the redemption of Christ".

Catholicism and Christianity are somewhat different. Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, but compared with other Christian sects, Catholicism pays more attention to the authority and rule of the Roman Catholic Church. In addition, Catholicism also involves some doctrines and rituals different from other Christian sects.

Calvinism is a branch of Christianity, and its teachings are different from Catholicism and Lutheranism. Calvinism believes that Christianity's doctrine of justification by faith is based on belief in God, not on personal behavior and moral standards. The doctrine of "believing in Christ's righteousness" or "believing in Christ's salvation" in Calvinism is different from the doctrine of justification by faith in the New Testament.

Some people may claim to believe in Calvinism or Calvinism, which is different from other Christian sects and Catholicism. The difference between Calvinism and Catholicism lies in the difference of doctrine and belief system, not just the difference of historical and cultural background.