We quote a passage from the Diamond Sutra:
“Subhuti! If a good man or a good woman breaks the three thousand worlds into tiny dust, what do you think? "Why are there so many dust particles?" If the dust particles really exist, the Buddha doesn't say they are dust particles. So what? , this is called the world. World Honored One! The Tathagata said that the three thousand great worlds are not the world. Why is it called a world? If the world actually exists, it is a combination. A combination is called a combination. 'Subhuti! A combination is indescribable, but ordinary people are obsessed with it."
What is a combination? A conjunction is the union of emptiness and existence, which is called a conjunction.
For example, a piece of white rice paper is painted with many colors. It becomes a painting. When the painting is completed, the white color of the rice paper disappears, and people will no longer notice the rice paper. However, the function of the rice paper is still there, it supports the color. Without rice paper, there would be no color. This is the principle of Buddhism. When the mountains, rivers and earth of the universe rise, the function of emptiness disappears, but it cannot be said that it does not exist. How to return to the empty function! There is no need to destroy the mountains, rivers and land. It is like a painting. You want to restore the painting to the white color of rice paper and understand that rice paper is the same. No need to restore color. Just know the function of rice paper. So when you see a painting, the color and the rice paper are the same, and you don’t have to distinguish them. When you see a flower, the flower and the sky are together. Mountains, rivers and earth are together! This is a conjunction! Only now can you enter the door of the Diamond Sutra!
But if you think this is the end, that’s not right. Why! Because you still have a unity. You still have a distinction to understand. If you remove this. Integrated.
No need to say more at this point!