Egypt is the origin of ancient myths. The ancient Egyptians believed in God and believed that the world was created by gods. The myths and legends handed down from generation to generation filled the ancient civilization with mystery and charm.
The ancient Egyptians feared God and thought that God was omnipresent. In an ancient document, Egyptian gods listed 740 gods, which shows that Egyptians worship many gods.
Egyptian gods can only be roughly divided into three categories,
1. Gods closely related to kingship or creation of heaven and earth, such as Amon, king of gods, and Tutut, god of wisdom. ...
2. Gods related to believing in the afterlife or funeral, such as Anubis Anubis and the goddess of truth Matt Matt. ...
3. Gods related to family life, such as Hassall, the god of love, and Bess, the god of family protection. ...
Enid: Nine Gods in Egyptian mythology.
Lara: the Lord god, the sun god. Its image is combined with Amon.
* Shu: Fengshen.
Tefnut: Rain God.
Geb: God of the earth.
* Knot: God of the sky.
Osiris: Pluto is also the god of agriculture.
Isis: the patron saint of the dead and the god of fertility.
Seth: The God of Drought.
* Nephthys: the patron saint of the dead.
Lord god:
* Amon: The Lord God.
Aton: the sun god.
Atum: The sun god at dusk, another name for Laura.
Horus: the patron saint of Pharaoh and the symbol of kingship. It is shaped like the head of an eagle.
* Anubis: Death. He is a stubborn man.
Mott/Auramooth: The wife of Amon in charge of the war, in the shape of a lion.
* Khons/Chons: son of Moon God Amon and Mott, also in charge of medicine.
Min/Menu (Amsu): the patron saint of travelers, in charge of production and harvest at the same time.
* Mo (Month/Mentu, mentou): Division of war, in the shape of an eagle's head.
* Thoth: God of wisdom.
God of animals:
* Best (Buster/Busteto Goddess): Cat God.
Edjo: the snake god, the symbol and patron saint of Lower Egypt.
Hector: Frog God.
* Khepri: Scarab.
* Khnum: ram god.
Sadie: The God of Elephants.
* Sekhmet: the lioness.
* Lequet: the God of Scorpions.
Sobec: The God of Crocodiles.
Other gods:
Anuket: Water God.
Apis: the god of fertility and production in the shape of a bull.
* Bes: Le Shen.
* Harpoquidis(harpo crates/Hor-pa-kraat; Golden Dawn (Hoor-par-kraat): Horus's childhood title.
* Hathor/Het-Heru (Het-Hert): wife of Horus, in charge of love and wealth.
Imhotep/Imotis: the patron saint of medicine and towers.
* Matt: God of justice and order.
* knight (Neith/Net,Neit; Golden dawn: the god of wisdom and war.
Nekbet: the patron saint of Upper Egypt.
* Ptah: God of creation.
* Qetesh: God of love and beauty.
* Shekel: god of light.
Saos: The goddess who owns a locust tree. Many gods (especially Horus) were born from her pagoda tree.
Horus (four sons of Horus): the guardian of Pluto's body.
Imset (Imset, Amsett, Maesta): One of the four sons of Horus, the protector of the deceased's liver.
Hapi (Golden Dawn, Ahfei): One of the four sons of Horus, the protector of the dead's lungs.
Tuamutef (Golden Dawn, Thmoomathph): One of Horus' four sons, the patron saint of the deceased's stomach.
Qebshenuf (Kebechsenef, Qebebehsenuf, Qebebehsenuf): One of the four sons of Horus, the protector of the deceased's intestines.
Lord god:
The Greek name of the Egyptian god, which means "the hidden man" (also spelled "Amon"), is one of the eight Ogdoads, and his spouse is Mutt. At first, he was just a local god in Thebes. At that time, Thebes was just an unknown town on the east bank of the Nile, located in the surrounding area of today's Karnak Temple. The 1 1 dynasty originated from a family in Hermon Hite (or perhaps Thebes), who decorated temples with statues. Amon's name was incorporated into the name of Amon Nimhurt, the founder of the 12th dynasty. The name was inherited by his three heirs. Several kings of the Middle Kingdom also adopted the same name; The 17 dynasty in Thebes drove out the Hixos, and Amon was once again highlighted as the god of the imperial city.
However, it was not until the rulers of the 18th dynasty drove their victorious troops from all directions to the border that Amon began to become a universally recognized god in Egypt, excluding other Egyptian gods and even going out of Egypt to become the god of the universe. The pharaohs attributed all their victories to Amon and spent wealth and labor on the temple of Amon.
Amon is depicted as a human figure, wearing a headband with two parallel feathers sticking out straight from the headband. This may symbolize the tail feather of an eagle. Amon has two common images: one is sitting on a throne, and the other is standing with a whip, much like the gods of Coptos and Akhmim. The latter may be his original image. God of fertility. The king cultivates the land to be sown or harvests ripe grain before him. His spouse is sometimes called amaunet (negative word for amunemmon), but is usually called Mut. She has a head and wears a double crown of upper and lower Egypt. Their son's name is Jones.
The name of the sun god Ra is sometimes combined with the name of Amon, especially when he is the "king of the gods". In Egypt, the sovereignty of the kingdom of heaven belongs to the sun god, and Amon is the highest god, so logically speaking, Amon is La. Amon is called "the king of the two continents on the throne", or more proudly "the king of the gods".
Horus (also known as Heru-sa-Aset Horu = sand = aset, Hrw, Hr and Hor-Hekenu).
The patron saint of Pharaoh in ancient Egyptian mythology is a symbol of kingship. His image is the eagle head god.
Like many other gods, the essence of Horus, as well as the stories and legends about him, are constantly changing with the development of history. Horus can be regarded as a combination of many other gods related to imperial power and the sky. Most of these gods are sun gods. This is very similar to the Christian view of the Trinity of God.
Heru -ur (also known as Harmerti Hamedi) is the earliest version in Horus. He is a god of creation in the form of a falcon. His eyes are the sun and the moon. When the new moon appeared, he became blind and was called Mekhenty-er-irty (meaning "man without eyes"). When his eyesight recovered, he was also called Khenty-irty (meaning "a man with eyes"). When he was blind, Horus was very dangerous. He sometimes mistook his friends for enemies and attacked him. He is the son of Gaby and Knodt and the patron saint of Letopolis.
When Horus was a child, he was called Har-pa-khered (meaning "Horus" and called Harpocrates in Greek). He is the son of Osiris and Ai Xisi or Barneberget and Hartmeht. He is depicted as a naked boy with fingers, sitting on the lotus with his mother. This form of Horus is the god of fertility. He often carries a cornucopia. During the Roman Empire, the image of Hal-Pa-Heller was widely circulated, when he was depicted riding a goose or a ram (note that his father Banebdjetet was a ram god).
Later, Horus was identified as the corpse of Osiris and the son of Ai Xisi (or the acacia tree emerging from Saos), and was usually quoted as "Horus" in many academic works.
As Har-nedj-itef (called Harendotes in Greek), Horus is Osiris' guardian in Duyate in the underworld.
As Behedti, Horus is Behdet (now Edfu), where his image is closely linked with Falcon.
As a Chenti-irti, Horus is an eagle god in charge of law and order.
Later, Horus began to combine with the image of La, especially in Heliopolis, and began to be called La-Helieti (also called La-Helu-Ahti, Her- Ahti (meaning "Horus with double horizons") and Ha-Em (meaning "Horus on the horizon").
Anhur is the name of Horus, a combination of Hugh.
In 3000 BC, Saite replaced Horus as the patron saint of Pharaoh. However, when the legend of Seth's murder of his brother spread, Horus was replaced again. There was a battle between Horus and Seth that lasted for 80 years. Horus tore off Seth's testicles and a leg, and Seth dug out Horus's left eye (Horus was called "monocular" from now on). Horus later found his eyes. With the support of Nice,
Horus has four sons. In the Egyptian belief in funerals, they took care of the internal organs of the deceased, which were packed in four Kanoppi jars: Duamutif Domtif (stomach), Kebushenov Kabu Shanaf (intestine), Hapi Habi (lung) and Imset Imset (liver).
Anubis (Anubis)
In ancient Egyptian mythology, the guardian of death or soul, who opened the road to another world for the dead, enabled the dead to reach another world smoothly. He is sometimes regarded as the god of the underworld. He is the son of Seth and Nefertis. His name is pronounced "Anpu" in hieroglyphics.
Anubis has the head of a prone black wolf (or other canines). The wolf is his symbol, and sometimes it becomes the head of a jackal or a dog. This image of the wolf is closely related to his role in mythology. Because the wolf is the scavenger of the corpse and is closely related to death, it is also regarded as the guardian of the dead. In works of art, he is also regarded as the guardian of the dead.
Anubis was originally the king of the underworld, but with the worship of Osiris, he became the patron saint of mummies and cemeteries. As the patron saint of the cemetery, Anubis' main duty is to compare the soul of the deceased with Matt's feathers on the balance. If the soul is as light as a feather, Anubis will take him to Osiris, or feed him to Anmit.
The worship of Anubis may even be earlier than Osiris. In Unas's text (line 70), he is associated with the eye of Horus. In the Book of Death, he anointed Osiris's body, wrapped him in linen woven by Ai Xisi and Nefertis, and put his hand on Osiris's body to protect him.
Golden dawn, Auramooth
Sivir, the wife of Amon and the mother of Confucius, became a lioness. The name Mute means mother in Egyptian, the mother of Confucius, the moon god.
One of the three Thebes gods (Amon and Mott), the moon god, is also the god of medicine. His father is Amon and his mother is Mott. Three gods stand in a building, and there is a temple outside the Karnak Temple. The most famous story about it should be that it played against Toth in the ancient game Senet and gambled on its light. Toth lost the game, so it can't show all its light except the full moon (which may be the legend that the moon is sunny).
Min Min (menu, Amsu)
The god of production and harvest is also the patron saint of road and desert travelers, but the god of Boetes. The full name is Menu-ka-mut-f ("people, fucking bull"), and it is a very masculine god. Usually, people will give lettuce as a sacrifice to it, and then eat it to get a symbol of adulthood (bar mitzvah). She is Freyja Quatt's husband.
Month (door map, door map)
Before the rise of Amon, he was the God of Thebes. He usually appears with Horus in the form of a falcon's head, and is the god of war.
Thoth, also translated as Thoth, is the god of wisdom in ancient Egyptian mythology, responsible for guarding moire, priests, spokesmen of God and historians. He is respected and worshipped by all the Egyptian people. According to legend, he was the inventor of ancient Egyptian characters. Thoth's image is a man with ibis head, holding a pen in one hand and a writing board in the other, and often wearing a crescent moon on his head.
Aries, an American writer, believes that Tutankhamun's belief is actually the source of Abraham's religion because of its exclusiveness, but this explanation is still in doubt.
God of animals:
Best buster (Bastito Goddess)
Cat God, whose worship center is in the delta city of Bubastis. Since cats became pets, Best has become an important idol and image in the family. Cats that kill snakes that attack the sun god are often painted on paper sand grass.
The snake god of the delta, the symbol and patron saint of Lower Egypt. .
Heckert, Heckert
Frog head goddess is the eight gods that hermits worship most? One. She is considered the wife of krom in Antinori.
Kebuli Capri
Kebuli, the god of beetles, is the incarnation of the sun god at dawn, with the shape of a beetle's head. He is also the sun god in the morning, and is often regarded as the same as La, representing the path of the sun's one-day journey in the sky. Kheper has many meanings in Egyptian, but depending on the context, it mainly means "creation" or "transformation", and it also stands for the holy armour. It is respected by the sun.
Knut Knut
Ram God, one of the gods of creation, has huge horns on his head. He is the god of fertility and creation in ancient Egyptian mythology. He often falls from the sky in the shape of a ram and lands on the Nile, which makes the earth rich and productive.
Knut is the ruler of the Nile Valley. He is regarded as the giver of water and the guardian of the source of the Nile. His temple is located at the source of the Nile. His spouse is Haiquet, Ness or Shati.
Shati Sati
Krom's wife, the elephant goddess, wears an Egyptian crown and antelope horns on her head.
Sekhmet Sekhmet
The lioness, the goddess Sekmot, is the daughter of the sun god Laura. Her name means "power" and symbolizes the burning heart of the sun. In Memphis, she is regarded as Buta's wife, created by flames taken out of her eyes to punish people's crimes. Later, she became a goddess who loves peace and approached the charity Best.
Selekate Lequette
Scorpion goddess, with a balanced scorpion image on her head, petitioned for the innocent people alive, and was also regarded as a helper for women during childbirth. She sent seven scorpions to protect Ai Xisi from Seth. She is the protector of Kubin Hamuf, and is famous for some collections of Kubin Hamuf in King Tutankhamun's mausoleum exhibited in the United States in A.D. 1970.
Sobec Sobec
Sobec, the crocodile god, was one of the protectors of the 13th Pharaoh. Sobec is the head of a crocodile. He may become a crocodile at any time, lurking in the lake and appearing in swamps and rapids. Residents regard him as the highest god and need to please him with prayers and sacrifices. To his admirers, Sobec is the creator of the master.
Other gods:
Anuket Anute
In Egypt, Anuket is very admired. She is considered as the daughter (or companion) of krom and Shati. The sacred animal is the gazelle. She is regarded as the (cold) water god, and humans wear feather crowns on their heads.
It was the first god to show his divinity to animals, and people in Memphis worshipped it. It symbolizes fertility and productivity. It is an ox god with a sun disc and a sacred snake. At present, there is a sacred cow tomb in Memphis where these API sacred cows are buried.
Bess Bess
Originally a primitive belief in Africa, it entered Egypt during the 12 dynasty. He is a short man with a beard and a funny face, which fully shows the achievements of imagination gathering, which the Egyptians did not have in the past. He is regarded as the god of music, protecting the children performing.
Hor-pa-kraat; (hor-pa-kraat; Golden dawn, Hoor-par-kraat)
When I was a child, Horus was used to distinguish the old man Horus. It protects children in Upper Egypt by parting their hair and sucking their fingers.
Hassall (Hett-Heru, Hett-Hurt)
The goddess of love and fertility is the most beautiful of all the goddesses in ancient Egypt. She turned into a bull in appearance, and the image was a woman wearing a double-horned headdress with a sun plate embedded between the two horns. She is one of the oldest goddesses in Egypt and is called the goddess of the sky in Greek. She is often regarded as the same as Edith. The main place of worship is in Edfu. Hassall is also regarded as the goddess of war and destruction. The Pharaoh called himself "the son of Hassall". Hassall is also considered as the mother of all goddesses, the patron saint of pharaohs and cemeteries, and the goddess of funerals. It is said that she and the goddess Taoerti meet the dead at the gate of hades at the same time, protecting and helping them through the danger, but they are generally considered as the goddess of love, dance and abundance. According to "death", she is the wife of Horus, the god of the sky.
Imhotep (Imotis)
He was an architect, a doctor, and even the prime minister of King Sasaki of the third dynasty. He built a stepped pyramid for Sasaki Wang Jian in Sakala. After his death, he was regarded as the God of Medicine and Buta Son of God, and together with Tutankhamun, he was the patron saint of priests. Greece regards it as Asklepios.
Matt's image is a kneeling woman with ostrich feathers in her head. She is the goddess of truth in ancient Egyptian mythology, symbolizing supreme law, truth and justice. She is a young goddess with feathers (engraved with her name). During the trial of the dead and the execution of the soul in hades, a huge scale was placed in the center of the trial hall, next to Matt, the god of truth and justice, who weighed the dead heart and her feathers on both sides of the scale. Matt is also the daughter of the Lord of the gods and the wife of Tut, the god of wisdom. Her name means truth, justice and order.
Ness Neith (Net,Neit; Golden dawn, Thoum-aesh-neith)
In very old Sivir, the place of worship is Delta, the goddess of wisdom, the protector of Dumet, and the mother of crocodile god Sobec.
Mehobet nekbert
The goddess who protects Upper Egypt often wears the crown of Egypt.
The creator of all things is not only the patron saint of kings and workers, but also the God of Memphis. It usually takes the form of the mummy of a bearded man wearing a hat and holding Uas (crested scepter), Ankh and Djed (symbol of stability). It is often worshipped with Sek and Osiris under the name of Puta Sek-Ossa. Sekmot's husband, Nate's father.
Kuyt kertesh
Is the goddess of love and beauty. Usually a beautiful naked woman stands or sits on a lion, holding a flower, a mirror or a snake in her hand, and appears in front (different from ordinary Egyptian paintings). She is Min's wife.
Seck shekel
God of light, which protects the souls of the dead to reach the afterlife through the underground world, is regarded as Ptah-seker or Ptah-seker-ausar with Buta divinity in Memphis. Usually an eagle-headed mummy, similar to Buta.
Saucisse's disease
The goddess who owns a locust tree. Many gods (especially Horus) were born from her pagoda tree.
Horus (four sons of Horus): Guardian of the body of Hades.
Imset (IMSET, Amset, Mesta)
In Egyptian mythology, Imset (or Imsety, Amset, sety, Mesti, Mesta) is the god of funeral, and he is one of Horus' four sons. He is responsible for taking care of the jar with the liver among the four jars they take care of. Unlike his brothers, Imset does not represent any animal, but human beings. Aisisi (1998- 1999).
Hapi (Golden Dawn, Ahephi)
One of Horus' four sons is a mummy with a baboon head, which protects the lungs of the deceased and is also protected by the goddess Nefertis.
Tuamutef Golden Dawn (Thmoomathph)
One of Horus' four sons, a mummy with the heads of a fox and a wolf, protected the stomach of the deceased and was also protected by the goddess Ness.
One of Horus' four sons, a mummy with a falcon head, protected the dead and was also protected by the goddess Lequet.