Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was born in the gentry, and with his outstanding talent, all the ministers in the court recommended him to be an official. He is the secretariat and general of the right army (people also call him Wang Youjun).
Wang Xizhi loved writing since he was a child. It is said that when I usually walk, I also practice writing with my fingers at any time. After a long time, even the clothes were cut. Once at lunch, Wang Xizhi's favorite garlic paste and steamed bread were brought to him, and he was urged to eat quickly several times. He still didn't even look up, as if he didn't hear, and he was absorbed in reading the post and writing. The meal was cold, so Jibang had to ask Wang Xizhi's mother to persuade him to eat.
Mother came to the study, only to find Xihe holding a steamed bread stained with ink and sending it to her mouth, making her mouth black. It turned out that when Xi Zhi was eating steamed stuffed buns, he was still looking at the words and thinking about how to write them in his mind. As a result, he mistook the ink for garlic. Mother couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.
Wang Xizhi still doesn't know what's going on Hearing his mother's laughter, he also said, "today's mashed garlic is really fragrant!" " Wang Xizhi persisted for decades, studied hard, kept posting, and practiced very solid kung fu, which laid the foundation and paved the way for his future development. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is becoming more and more famous. People at that time regarded his calligraphy as a treasure.
It is said that once, Wang Xizhi went to a village. An old woman went to a charity sale with a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans. That kind of bamboo fan is very simple, without any decoration, which can't attract the interest of passers-by. It seems that it can't be sold, and the old woman is very anxious. Seeing this situation, Wang Xizhi felt sorry for the old woman, so he went up to her and said, "You can't sell this bamboo fan because there are no pictures or words on it." How about I write an inscription for you? "
The old woman doesn't know Wang Xizhi. Seeing his enthusiasm, she wrote him a bamboo fan. Wang Xizhi took a pen, wrote five words on each fan and gave them back to the old woman. The old woman can't read, and she feels that his handwriting is scrawled, so she is very unhappy.
Wang Xizhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry. You told the fan buyer that it was written by Wang Youjun. " As soon as Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. Collectors rushed to buy Wang Youjun's calligraphy after seeing it. A basket of bamboo fans soon sold out.
Many artists have their own hobbies, some love to grow flowers and some love to keep birds. But Wang Xizhi has his special hobbies. Where there are good geese, he is interested in seeing them, or buying them to enjoy.
There is a Taoist in Yinshan. He wants Wang Xizhi to write him a copy of Tao Te Ching. But he knew that Wang Xizhi would not copy scriptures for others easily. Later, he found that Wang Xizhi liked white geese, so he specially raised a number of geese with good varieties.
Wang Xizhi heard that there were good geese in Taoism, so he really went to see them. When he approached the Taoist priest's house, he saw a flock of geese floating leisurely on the surface of the river, with white feathers and high red tops. It was really cute.
Wang Xizhi watched by the river and was reluctant to leave, so he sent someone to find a Taoist priest and asked to sell him the goose. The Taoist priest said with a smile, "Since the princes love eating so much, they don't have to spend any money. I'll give you all these geese. But I have a request, that is, please write a volume of scriptures for me. " Wang Xizhi did not hesitate to copy a scroll of scriptures for Taoist priests, and the goose was taken back by Wang Xizhi.
Wang Xizhi's story tells us that we must have dreams when we were young. Wang Xizhi's idol worked hard for his dream, worked hard for it and pursued it persistently. With the changes of the times, few young people write beautifully. If you want to write a good hand, you must start from an early age, and education should be cultivated from an early age. Wang Xizhi's diligent practice of calligraphy is worth learning, but it doesn't mean that he can eat ink. Tell your friends around you.
Wang Xizhi's celebrity story 2: Mrs. Wei, whose real name is Shuo and her word is Mao Yi, was a female calligrapher in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Mrs Wei's fame spread all over the world before her death. Wang Xizhi, a famous calligrapher, worshipped her as a door and studied calligraphy in her teens.
She taught Wang Xizhi three calligraphy lessons, especially three life lessons.
[Point]: Rockfall at the summit
When I first saw Mrs. Wei's Pen Map, I was shocked, too, because the record she left was so simple that it was not easy to guess. For example, when she takes a word apart, there is an element, which is probably the most basic element in China's calligraphy-a dot.
It seems that Mrs. Wei didn't teach Wang Xizhi to write, but just took the words apart. Mrs Wei introduced Wang Xizhi into visual aesthetics, and only taught him to write, practice and feel this point. She showed her childhood Wang Xizhi the traces left by the brush touching the paper, and by the way, she also noted four words: "The peak falls."
She wants the children who are learning calligraphy to feel-come down and feel a stone falling from a cliff, and that "point" is the power of a stone falling from a height.
Someone must be curious: Does Mr. Wei teach calligraphy or physics free fall?
We found that Mrs Wei taught Wang Xizhi more than just calligraphy.
Mrs. Wei may really take the child up the mountain, let him touch the stone, let a stone fall from the peak, and even throw a stone for Wang Xizhi to pick up. At this time, the homework of "falling rocks at the top of the mountain" becomes very interesting.
I wonder if the "point" written by Wang Xizhi when he grew up is related to Mrs. Wei's education?
Preface to Lanting is Wang Xizhi's most famous work. Many people say that the word "knowledge" in it is different from each other.
If a teacher "rescued" us from the classroom when we were young and took us to the mountains to play, let us throw stones and feel the shape, weight, volume and speed of the stones, we would probably be very happy. After touching the "stone", then the teacher needs to point out the cognition of the object and the physical knowledge about weight, volume and speed. One day-maybe a long time later-this knowledge will become a "point" understanding of calligraphy when children grow up!
In fact, there are many gaps in teacher Wei's class. I don't know how long Mrs. Wei let Wang Xizhi practice, whether it was months or years, before she continued to develop into the second lesson. But this basic skill about "point" seems to have a far-reaching influence on a later great calligrapher.
"One": a thousand miles of clouds
Mrs Wei's second lesson is to lead Wang Xizhi to know another element of Chinese characters, that is, "one".
"One" is a word, or it can be just such a line.
When Mrs. Wei taught Wang Xizhi to write, there were not many previous masters to learn from, and Mrs. Wei did not seem to encourage a child to imitate the handwriting of the previous calligraphers too early. Therefore, Wang Xizhi didn't start to know the horizontal line from the "one" written by his predecessors.
The process of understanding "one" is carried out on a vast land.
Mrs Wei took Wang Xizhi outdoors. A young child stood on the vast plain, staring at the horizon, staring at the openness of the horizon, staring at the clouds that spread slowly to both sides on the vast horizon. Mrs. Wei whispered in the child's ear: "A thousand miles of smoke."
The word "a thousand miles of clouds" is not easy to understand. I always feel that writing "one" should only look at the horizon or horizontal line. In fact, "a thousand miles of clouds" refers to the arrangement of clouds on the horizon. Clouds are arranged, arranged and rolled low on the horizon, which is called "Wan Liyun". There is a feeling of vastness, feeling that both sides are horizontally extended.
The word "cloud array" also made me think for a long time. Why not something else?
There is slow motion when the clouds are lined up, much like the water in the brush slowly smudges and permeates on the rice paper. Therefore, "a thousand miles of clouds" is the relationship between brush, ink and paper silk with strong water absorption. Then, will "a thousand miles of clouds" also have special significance? That is, when writing horizontal lines, how to make them open and form an interactive rhythm relationship between water and ink on paper is a memory of the quiet flow of clouds on the quiet earth and an understanding of the vastness, quietness and vastness of life, so that when writing "one" in the future, we can have a yearning for the dialogue between heaven and earth.
This is the second lesson of Wang Xizhi.
"Vertical": Long live the dead vine
The third calligraphy lesson that Mrs Wei gave Wang Xizhi was "vertical", and there was a long stroke in the middle when writing the word "zhong".
Mrs. Wei took Wang Xizhi to the deep mountains and learned the power of gesture from the withered thick vines.
She taught Wang Xizhi to watch Long Live the Dead Vine, and climbed an old vine when climbing the mountain, a life that grew up in the long years. Children hang their bodies by the power of vines, and they hang in the air by the power of vines. Hanging in the air, you can feel the tenacity of a vine-a hard and stubborn force that cannot be pulled away.
The old vine keeps pulling, and it has a very tenacious and tenacious power. This memory becomes an understanding of calligraphy. The "vertical" word line should be written continuously, forcefully and flexibly, and there will be a tension developing to both sides.
"Long live the withered vine" is not only a plant in nature, but also a symbol of tenacious life in China's calligraphy. Long live the withered vine is a tribute to all seemingly old but uncompromising strong lives.
Wang Xizhi is still an infant, but Mrs. Wei's Long Live the Dead Vine gave him a strong experience on the long road of life, which made him enter the country of calligraphy.
The beauty of calligraphy has always been associated with life.
"Peak falling rocks" understand weight and speed.
A Thousand Miles of Clouds learned an open mind.
Long live the withered vine knows how to persevere.
Mrs Wei is a teacher of calligraphy and life.
One day, Wang Xizhi passed by the market and saw a shop called Zi. There is a lot of noise and excitement. In particular, the two couplets by the door are particularly eye-catching. On the horizontal plaque "Duck jiaozi Store", the words "You can't come here, you can always know the taste" are written. But the handwriting is dull and weak, lacking in kung fu.
After reading it, Wang Xizhi thought: Is this word worthy of inscription on the plaque? Another thought: "If you can't pass this level, you will know the taste. Come often." -Boy! Who the hell is buying and selling here, boasting so much?
Looking closely, I saw a cauldron with boiling water in it, which was located next to a low wall. Jiaozi wrapped in white flour,
Just like Bai Niao flew over the wall and just fell into the boiling cauldron. When the pot is full, the bird will be grounded without saying hello. When this pot of jiaozi was cooked and fished out, the "birds" flew in a line again, exactly.
Wang Xizhi was surprised, took out some scattered silver coins, asked for a big bowl of jiaozi and sat down. Only then did he discover that jiaozi was delicate and delicate, like a duck swimming in the water. This is an amazing product! He picked up jiaozi with chopsticks, slowly put it in his mouth and took a gentle bite. Suddenly, the smell was fragrant and delicious. Before I knew it, I swallowed the big bowl of jiaozi.
After a hearty meal, Wang Xizhi said to himself, This duck jiaozi is really delicious! It's just that the handwriting of the couplet at the door is too poor to deserve this delicious jiaozi. Why don't I, Wang Xizhi, take this opportunity to write another couplet for them and live up to my visit here? Thinking of this, he asked the clerk, "Where is the shopkeeper?"
The clerk pointed to the low wall and said, "Hui Xianggong, the shopkeeper is behind the wall."
Wang Xizhi bypassed the low wall and saw a white-haired old woman sitting in front of the panel, rolling dumpling skins and wrapping dumpling stuffing alone. In the blink of an eye, the action is extremely fast. Stranger still, after the bag was finished, the white-haired old woman threw jiaozi at the low wall, and jiaozi the duck climbed over the wall one by one.
Wang Xizhi was stunned by the old man's superb skills. He hurried forward and asked, "Old man, with your deep kung fu, how long will you have to practice?" The old man replied, "To tell you the truth, it takes fifty years to master it, and it takes a lifetime to master it."
Hearing this, Wang Xizhi was silent for a while, as if he were savoring this sentence. Then he asked, "You are so skilled, why don't you ask someone to write a better one at the door?"
The old man said very enthusiastically; ""xianggong "don't know, not the old woman don't want to please, but not please! Some people are only famous for their writing, but their eyes are upward, so they don't want to write for us ordinary people. In fact, as far as I am concerned, their writing skills are not as good as I throw jiaozi! " The old man's works don't necessarily refer to Wang Xizhi, but Wang Xizhi feels agitated and ashamed. So, he specially wrote a pair of couplets and respectfully gave them to the old man.
Wang Xizhi's Celebrity Story 4 There is a Preface to the Monument to Tang Sanzang in the forest of steles in An, which is a miracle that generations write monuments together: Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Jin Dynasty, actually wrote an article in the Tang Dynasty 200 years later! Many experts have examined every word on the tablet, and it is indeed Wang Xizhi's handwriting; Reciting the contents of the inscription is indeed the preface to the holy teachings written by Emperor Taizong for Xuanzang. Strange things have their roots. The Preface Monument to the Three Monks of the Tang Dynasty is a Buddhist scripture brought back from India by the eminent monk Xuanzang. After careful translation, he asked Emperor Taizong to make a preface, which, together with Prince Li Zhizuo's remarks and Xuanzang's thanks, was called "Preface to Sanzang". This monument was built in Xianheng, Tang Gaozong in the third year (AD 672). At that time, the court wanted to carve it into the font of Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in Jin Dynasty. When Huairen, a monk from Hongfu Temple in Chang 'an, learned of this incident, he felt that it was an honor for the Buddhist community and made up his mind to take up this post. After looking around, the monk Huairen finally collected Wang Xizhi's words one by one in order and became the preface tablet of the holy religion in Wang Xizhi's font.
Legend has it that Huairen couldn't find a few words in the process of collecting words, so he had to ask the court to post a notice, and whoever gave a much-needed word in the inscription would be rewarded with 1000 yuan. This is the origin of "a word is worth a thousand dollars", which is also a much-told story in the literary world. Later generations called this tablet "a thousand catties of iron".
Wang Xizhi's celebrity story 5 Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher in the Jin Dynasty 1600 years ago and was known as the "book saint". There is an Amochi in Zhu Jie Temple in Chengxi Street, Shaoxing, which is said to be the place where Wang Xizhi washes his pen.
Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy at the age of 7, and was diligent and eager to learn. /kloc-at the age of 0/7, he stole his father's previous calligraphy works and read them. When he is mature, he practices writing. He sat by the pool every day practicing calligraphy, seeing off the dusk and welcoming the dawn. He finished writing more or less ink, more or less rotten pens, and washed pens in the pool water every day. It took a long time for a pool of water to become ink. This is the legendary Mo Chi that people see in Shaoxing today.
Wang Xizhi concentrated on practicing calligraphy and forgot to eat and sleep. When he was eating and walking, he was thinking about the structure of words and kept doodling on his body with his hands. Over time, his skirt was worn out and everything paid off. Once, he wrote a plaque for someone, wrote a few words on the board and sent it to lettering. The sculptor found that the ink stains of the characters had penetrated into the board for about three minutes. Therefore, people often use the idiom "incisive" to describe the strong brushwork of calligraphy, and later use it to describe the profound views and discussions on things.
Wang Xizhi's Celebrity Story One day in 353 AD, Lanting was very lively. It turned out that Wang Xizhi invited several friends to gather here to drink and write poems. This event is very interesting. Friends are not sitting on the banquet, but beside the Qingxi, under the shade. It is really beautiful here. The winding water around the pavilion, birds and flowers, and the spring breeze blowing head on make people feel refreshed. When the clear spring always brings the glass full of fine wine to someone, who will pick it up and have a drink, which is pleasant. After drinking a few glasses of wine, people were intoxicated by the beauty of wine, and then they wrote poems and recited them to each other. Friends will inevitably sing and comment. This is a lot of laughter. Wang Xizhi felt that he had never been so happy. While in high spirits, he wrote an article recording the grand occasion at that time, entitled Preface to Lanting Collection. After reading it, my friends agreed that it is a wonderful work of art, both from the perspective of articles and calligraphy. Wang Xizhi dismissed everyone's praise. The next day, after Wang Xizhi woke up, he carefully looked at the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection, which was indeed much more wonderful than the previous calligraphy, and he was very proud. He took out his pen and wrote a few more, but he couldn't write the first one well anyway, so he had to tear it all up.
Wang Xizhi's celebrity story 7, Wang Xizhi (32 1 ~ 379, 303 ~ 36 1, and 307 ~ 365), has few words. Langxie Linyi (now Shandong) people. Calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, right general and official, will collect literature and history, known as Wang Youjun. After resigning, he settled in Yinshan Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang). Calligraphy is good at truth, line, cursive script and official script, especially truth and running script. The word is vigorous and changeable, and it has the reputation of Yue Long Tianmen and Fengge Crouching Tiger. It is highly praised by calligraphers of all ages and is known as a book saint. As a teenager, Wang Xizhi was famous for his diligence, wit and diligence. Wang Xizhi was born in a bureaucratic family. Father Wang Kuang is the satrap of Huainan, uncle Wang Dao is Stuart, uncle Wang Dun is the secretariat of Yangzhou, and uncle Wang Cheng is the secretariat of Jingzhou. His father's generation were all famous calligraphers at that time, and their learning conditions were very good. Wang Xizhi seldom spoke when he was a child, and no one could see the difference between him. But he loves learning, likes studying, is resourceful, and is good at calculating.
He started studying in Linchi at the age of seven. By the time he reached 10, his handwriting was very good, and his uncles liked him very much. 1 1 year-old Wang Xizhi really wants to learn some theoretical works on calligraphy to guide himself. One day, he found a book called Bi Tan under his father Wang Kuang's pillow, all about writing methods. He was so happy that he was ecstatic when he learned that. Just when he was interested, his father found him and asked him: Why did you steal the secret book under my pillow? Wang Xizhi just looked at his father and giggled. Mom interjected: I'm afraid he's thinking about using a pen! Father said: You are too young now. When you grow up, I will naturally teach you to read. Wang Xizhi couldn't wait and said unhappily, if I don't pay attention to brushwork when I grow up, it won't be sunset learning, and my youth will be wasted. Wang Kuang was very surprised at his son's words. He thought that his son had little ambition and should be cultivated from an early age, so he carefully explained the contents of Bi Tan to Wang Xizhi. With solid copying skills and theoretical guidance of written talks, Xi Zhi's calligraphy has risen to a new height in several months' efforts. Later, I worshipped Mrs. Wei, a female calligrapher at that time. Under the careful guidance of teacher Wei, he has made greater progress in practicing calligraphy. Wang Xizhi studied with Mrs. Wei for a period of time, and calligraphy has become very mellow and mature. Even Mrs Wei had to marvel: shine on you is better than blue, and this child will definitely surpass me in the future! Wang Xizhi's achievements in calligraphy are inseparable from his numerous teachers and efforts. Learn calligraphy Zhong You, learn cursive Zhang Zhi. He himself said that his calligraphy is comparable to that of Zhong You, or better than him. Compared with Cecilia Cheung, it should keep pace with me. He also studied Wei Bei and Han tablet, and traced the origin of calligraphy. He himself said: I studied Mrs. Wei's calligraphy when I was a child and thought I was very successful. Later, I crossed the river to the north, visited some famous mountains and rivers, and saw the calligraphy of Li Si and Cao. Saw the calligraphy of Xu Xu's Zhong You and Liang Hu; I saw Cai Yong's Three-body Stone Sutra in Charlotte. When I saw the Hua Yue Monument in Zhang Chang in my uncle's brother Wang Qia, I realized that it was not enough to learn from Mrs. Wei. It was just a waste of time. So I changed the teacher's inheritance and learned from historical sites. Wang Xizhi studies very hard. Not only does he spend a lot of time practicing calligraphy every day, that is, walking, eating and chatting with friends, but he always thinks about the brushwork of writing and points and strokes everywhere with his hands. It is said that once he was practicing calligraphy in his study, buddhist nun brought his favorite steamed bread dipped in garlic. After urging him to eat several times, he didn't even look up and continued to write straight. Buddhist nun had to ask Wang Xizhi's wife to persuade him to eat. Mrs. Wang came to the study and found him holding a piece of steamed bread covered with ink in his hand and stuffing it into his mouth. It turned out that when he was eating steamed bread, his eyes were looking at words and his mind was thinking about words, so he mistook the ink for garlic paste, ate it while practicing words, and even praised his wife's garlic paste for being delicious! Wang Xizhi's study of calligraphy is not only a study of rubbings, but also a study of rubbings without words. There are many interesting legends. The ethereal and elegant Jiangnan landscape on Yin Shan Road endows him with a beautiful and elegant style of calligraphy. He not only learns from nature, absorbs the natural calligraphy aura, but also is good at observing animals. He loves geese very much. From the steady steps, crisp chirping and elegant wings of geese, he understands the density of calligraphy knots and the mystery of opening and closing. Once, he heard that a Taoist priest in Yinshan raised some beautiful geese, and Wang Xizhi went to visit with great interest. When I arrived at the Taoist priest, I saw some snow-white geese flapping their wings and chasing and playing. They are really lively and lovely. Wang Xizhi was reluctant to leave, and repeatedly asked the Taoist priest to sell him some geese. The Taoist declined politely, and finally said, If you really like my geese, please write a moral classic for me and these geese will be given to you. Wang Xizhi readily agreed, wrote the Tao Te Ching for the Taoist priest and took the goose home in a cage. In fact, this is because Taoist Rainbow is Wang Xizhi's handwriting, and Wang Xizhi will not write to others easily. The Taoist priest learned that he especially liked geese, and deliberately adopted the method of changing words with geese. Up to now, the Zhu Jie Temple, Lanting and Goose Pond outside Shaoxing are all written by Wang Xizhi. When Wang Xizhi was young, his calligraphy works had become treasures, which were hard for ordinary people to get. Legend has it that Wang Xizhi once saw an old woman selling hexagonal bamboo fans in Lushan, and no one cared about her in the hot sun, so she moved her heart. I think, if the old lady's fans can't sell and she has no money to buy rice at noon, won't she stop cooking? He went to the old woman's booth and wrote five words on each of her fans. The old woman was very unhappy at first, thinking, what are you doodling on my fan? Wang Xizhi said to her: You only need to say that this is written by Wang Youjun, and it costs 100 yuan! The old woman drank the price according to this, and the fan was robbed and she liked it very much. She hurried home and brought some fans for Wang Xizhi to write. Wang Xizhi just smiled and walked away.
Wang Xizhi began to practice calligraphy at the age of six or seven until he died at the age of 59. He kept writing for 50 years. As you get older, you become more and more sophisticated. He admired Zhang Zhi's academic spirit of learning books in Linchi in Han Dynasty, and often used it to spur himself. According to records, in addition to Shaoxing Lanting, there are Mo Chi in Xincheng Mountain in Linchuan, Jiangxi, Jigu Mountain in Yongjia, Zhejiang, and Guizong Temple in Lushan, Jiangxi. His son Wang Xianzhi inherited and developed his father's style. He is known as the second king in the world and has far-reaching influence. Wang Xizhi's works are no longer authentic. The running script Preface to Lanting, Preface to Saint Education, Aunt, Mourning, Kong Shizhong, and Early Moon in Cursive Script are all imitations of later generations.