Introduction to Zeqi

Contents 1 Pinyin 2 English reference 3 Zeqi poisoning 3.1 Adverse reaction mechanism 3.2 Clinical manifestations 3.3 Treatment 4 References attached: 1 Prescriptions using the Chinese medicine Zeqi 2 Chinese patent medicines using the Chinese medicine Zeqi 3 Ancient books Zéqi 1 Pinyin

zé qī 2 English reference




Herba Euphorbiae Helioscopiae

(English) Sun Euphorbia Herb

Also known as five clouds, cat's eye grass, and milk grass.

Source: It is the whole plant of Euphorbia helioscopia L.

Plant form: Annual or biennial herb, 10-30cm tall, the whole plant contains milk. The base of the stem is branched and purple-red. The leaves are alternate, obovate or spoon-shaped, 1 to 3 cm long, 0.7 to 1 cm wide, slightly concave at the apex, finely serrated above the middle edge, and sessile. There are 5 whorled leaf-like bracts on the top of the stem; the inflorescence is polycymose, terminal, with 5 umbrella stems, each umbrella stem bears 3 small umbrella stems, and each small umbrella stem is divided into 2 branches for the third time; Cup-shaped cymes bell-shaped, with 4 lobes at the top of the involucre and 4 glands between lobes, kidney-shaped; ovary 3-chambered, styles 3. Capsule hairless. Seeds ovate, with raised reticulated surface. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from June to July.

Born by ditches, roadsides, and fields. Distributed in all provinces and autonomous regions across the country except Xinjiang and Tibet.

Harvesting and processing: Harvest when it blooms from April to May and dry in the sun.

Chemical ingredients: Contains phasin, quercetin 3,5 digalactoside (tithymalin), βdihydrofucosterol), heliscopiol, oxic acid and calcium malate.

Nature and flavor: Slightly cold in nature, bitter in taste; poisonous.

Functions and Indications: Diuresis and swelling, resolving phlegm and dissipating stagnation, killing insects and relieving itching. Used for ascites, edema, tuberculosis, cervical lymphatic tuberculosis, asthma and cough with excessive phlegm, and tinea sores. 3 Zeqi poisoning

Zeqi is also known as lacquer grass, five-wind grass, ringworm grass, lampstand grass, tiger eye, five-point grass, magma, zebra stem, lacquer stem, etc. It is a diuretic and swelling medicine. It is the whole stem and leaf of the plant of the family Thistle family. Contains vitriol, quercetin, hyperoside, gallic acid, succinic acid and other ingredients. The main pharmacological effects are expectorant, cough relieving, cooling, antibacterial, stimulating small intestine, and anti-tumor. [1]? 3.1 Adverse reaction mechanism

The saponins, butyric acid, and rheumatoid alcohol contained in it are highly toxic. Contact with the skin can cause inflammation and produce obvious skin and mucosal inflammation. Swelling, ulceration and other damage. Taking a large amount orally can cause swelling and congestion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, and in severe cases, respiratory paralysis and coma. It can also cause damage to the central nervous system. [1]? 3.2 Clinical manifestations

Severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, restlessness, decreased blood pressure, and in severe cases, dehydration causing shock. The milky sap of lacquer contains toxic resin, which can cause inflammation, redness, pain, and even ulceration when it comes into contact with the skin. Ingestion may cause inflammation and erosion of the oral cavity, esophagus, and gastric mucosa. [1]? 3.3 Treatment

The key points of treatment for Zeqi poisoning are [1]?:

1. Use 1:5000 potassium permanganate to lavage the stomach, and then give medicinal 30-50g of charcoal suspension is taken orally, and mucosal protective agents such as egg white, milk, etc. can also be given. For intravenous infusion, give 2.5g of glucose saline plus vitamin C.