Content of syndrome differentiation of six meridians

Analysis and syndrome differentiation of febrile diseases according to the theory of six meridians

Six meridians refer to the meridians of Sun, Yangming, Shaoyang, Taiyin, Shaoyin and Jueyin. The syndrome differentiation of six meridians is a dialectical program, which divides the complex syndrome manifestations of exogenous diseases into six types: Taiyang disease, Yangming disease, Shaoyang disease, Taiyin disease, Shaoyin disease and Jueyin disease, and explains the disease location, syndrome nature, rise and fall of pathogenic factors, transmission and change, and legislative prescriptions. The Yang Meridian of the Three Yin San Meridians of Hand, Foot and Collateral is the material basis of syndrome differentiation of the Six Meridians.

Generally speaking, three yang diseases belong to exterior and three yin diseases belong to interior. The excess heat of Sanyang disease is confirmed, and the excess cold syndrome of Sanyin disease is deficient. The treatment of Sanyang disease should focus on eliminating pathogenic factors. The treatment of three diseases of yin should focus on strengthening the body's resistance.

In the differentiation of six meridians, the relationship between six kinds of diseases and syndromes is not isolated from each other, but interrelated and changing with each other. The development and evolution of the pathological changes from sun to Yangming, shaoyang to Taiyin, shaoyin to Jueyin reflects the process that pathogenic factors enter from the exterior to the interior, from yang to yin, and healthy qi gradually declines.

In the transformation of diseases and syndromes of six meridians, those that spread in the order of three yang and three yin are called spread along meridians, while those that don't spread in this order are called spread across meridians. When the diseases and syndromes of exterior-interior meridians are transmitted to each other, it is called exterior-interior transmission. The first sign of the disease is the syndrome of three yin diseases, which is called straight. Once the disease has not stopped, those who see it pass through the disease are called concurrent disease. The combination of two diseases and syndromes is called comorbidity. On the basis of the syndrome of six meridians, there are other syndromes, which are called concurrent syndrome. The syndrome changes of the six meridians are other diseases, which are called syndrome changes, mistreatment and injury, and the deterioration of the condition is called bad syndrome.

The spread of diseases and syndromes of six meridians is often related to the rise and fall of healthy qi, the strength of pathogenic factors, the appropriateness of treatment and nursing, the physical deviation of patients and the types of diseases.