Said by: The family language of Confucius in Eritrea, which records the thoughts and words of Confucius and his disciples. The original text is as follows:
Husband will meet people he doesn't know; Virtue corrupts talent. A gentleman is knowledgeable and resourceful, but he is out of date. Why is he alone? Lan Zhi was born in a deep forest, not because no one is fragrant; Xiu De, a gentleman, is not the same as changing religion because of poverty.
It is a matter of luck not to meet a wise monarch; Virtue is a matter of talent. There are many knowledgeable, farsighted and unlucky people, and it's not just me! Besides, Lan Zhi grew up in a deep forest, and it is not fragrant because no one appreciates it; A gentleman cultivates self-cultivation and does not change his moral integrity because of poverty.
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Family Instructions for Confucius, also known as Family Instructions for Confucius, or simply Family Instructions for Confucius, is a Confucian work that records the thoughts, words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. Confucianism in Song Dynasty attached importance to the study of mind and nature, the Analects of Confucius, Mencius, the University and the Doctrine of the Mean. However, compared with these four books, Confucius' stories are much higher in scale and content.
Based on the characteristics of this book, Family Talk is more valuable for comprehensively studying and accurately grasping early Confucianism. In this sense, it can be regarded as "the first book of Confucianism".
The story of Confucius' encounter with Chen and Cai is widely circulated. In this dilemma, both Luz and Zigong criticized his Tao, and Yan Hui thought that "the Tao of a master is great". This gave Confucius great comfort. Similarly, Confucius appreciated and trusted Yan Hui very much. When Zi Gong suspected that Yan Hui was stealing rice, Confucius firmly believed that Yan Hui would not do so, and solved others' doubts with ingenious methods.