About "Vatican City State Codex"

Atlantis (Ατλαντι?), also translated as Atlantis, is a manuscript of ancient Mexican writings preserved in the Vatican City State (i.e., the "Vatican City State Codex") and has survived to this day. There are similar narratives in the works of the Indian civilization of the United Mexican States: "Four generations of humans have appeared on the earth. The first generation of humans was a generation of giants who were destroyed by hunger. The second generation of humans was destroyed by huge fires. The third generation of humans were the apes, who were destroyed by cannibalism. Later, the fourth generation of humans appeared, that is, humans in the "sun and water" stage. Human civilization in this stage was destroyed by huge floods. In another batch of ancient manuscripts preserved so far in the Vatican Library, there is also talk about human civilization that existed before the Great Flood.