During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, most women began to get married at the age of 15. "Biography of everything done wrong, upper right" records that Huan Gong walked incognito among the people, with a deer gate and a millet, but he was seventy years old and had no wife. Duke Huan asked Guan Zhong, "Is there an old man with a wife?" Guan Zhong said to him, "If you have deer-door millet, you can go for seventy years without marrying a wife." Huan Gong said, "Why should he have a wife?" Guan Zhong said: "I heard that the world is rich, the people are in poverty, ministers are in short supply, there are women in the palace, and the elderly have no wives." Huan Gong said, "Good!" The woman in the palace never married, the man married at the age of 20, and the woman married at the age of 15. Then the woman has no resentment and no husband outside. "Here, Guan Zhong persuaded Qi Huangong to marry the women in the palace who were not favored by the king. Most of them were around the age of fifteen.
"Guoyu. Yu Yue Shang also recorded that in order to make the country have a large population, Zhu Jian, the king of Yue, adopted a policy of rewarding China people to have more children, regardless of whether they gave birth to boys or girls. "If a woman doesn't get married at seventeen, her parents are guilty; If the husband doesn't marry at the age of twenty, his parents are guilty. " Here, Gou Jian sets the latest marriage age for women in China as 17. If a girl doesn't get married until she is seventeen, her parents will be punished. It can be guessed that girls at that time usually got married before the age of seventeen in order not to be punished by the king.
The Biography of Ren Yanchuan in the Later Han Dynasty records that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ren Yan was appointed as the nine true satrap by Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu. Jiuzhen is located in the wild. The local people make a living by hunting. They don't know anything about Niu Geng and agricultural production. Ren Yan taught them how to make farm tools, how to farm and so on. Ren Yan also sent a proclamation to his county, asking men aged 20 to 50 to marry women aged/kloc-0 to 40 respectively. Those who are poor and can't afford a dowry are subsidized by officials with their wages. In a short time, more than 2000 people got married.
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty (1 14) also records that a man named Yu Yin in Nanyang County married Xun Cai, the daughter of Xun Shuang in Yingchuan County. Xun Cai is brilliant and brilliant. Seventeen, Yin Shi. Nineteen gave birth to a daughter and died. "It is clearly written here that Xun got married at the age of seventeen, and her husband died after giving birth to a daughter at the age of nineteen, and then became a widow.
The Biography of Gao virtuous woman, a famous writer in the Qing Dynasty, records: "Wan Ping (now Fengtai District, Beijing) was a high-ranking official's wife, surnamed Duan, married early and died in a high position. His wife is seventeen years old and has two sons. " Gao Gao's wife was widowed at a young age and gave birth to two children at the age of seventeen. As the saying goes: "Be pregnant in October". Even if the second son does not give birth at full term, it should be about one and a half years. Coupled with the time interval of perinatal period, Gao's wife is likely to get married at the age of fourteen, probably at the age of a girl. This strongly proves that ancient women began to get married around the age of fifteen.
A large number of data prove that most ancient women got married at the age of fifteen to seventeen. "28 Girl", 28, 16 years old, just the right age to get married. Of course, there are exceptions, not all women are like this. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a woman surnamed Liu who was betrothed to a family by her parents as a child, but the latter two were scattered and never heard from. Then when the son and the girl grew up, the girl was left alone, but she remembered the boy's name promised by her father, kept her virginity, searched everywhere and found her fiance working as a servant in a rich family, so she went through all the hardships to find him and they got married. At this time, the woman is thirty years old. From the current point of view, she is also a leftover woman and an over-age old girl.