16.9 Confucius said: "Those who are born with knowledge are also superior; Those who learn and know, second; Learn from difficulties, secondly; If you are sleepy and don't learn, the next one is the people. "
Original sentence translation
16.9 Confucius said: "What is known from birth is superior; What you know after learning is inferior; When you are confused and difficult, it is the second learning; If you don't study when you are confused, this kind of person is inferior. "
After reading this passage, I classified myself into the third category. When I encounter difficulties, I can learn to solve them. I am flattered. A listen to the teacher Fan Deng said that he boasted and put himself in the third category ... I said in my heart, you are the third category, so what should I do? The fourth category? I'm not going. I still feel good about myself.
Haha, am I a "duck effect" myself? I don't know my ignorance, but I still feel quite good. ?
Teacher Fan Deng said that the author of Black Swan said that as long as a person can read, it means that he is at least modest.
Fan Deng believes that every difficulty in life should be solved by a book. I am convinced of this sentence. The puzzles we encounter in life are not new. Someone should solve the problem and sum up the experience, just waiting for us to discover and discover it ourselves. This process is like, if you are sick, the doctor won't knock on the door to see you. You need to go to the hospital to see a doctor yourself.
For myself, since I haven't been to school, alas, it's so easy, but I don't have to study now.
In life, I have a lot of confusion, but at that time I read books, only read world famous books, chatted and talked, and behaved appropriately. But the confusion has not been solved.
Later, I read picture books with my daughter and children's books, and the knowledge in school textbooks enriched me. But the confusion in my life is still confusion.
Recently, I have studied in the group of Green Water Teachers for one period after another, which has solved many puzzles in my heart and made me better able to see myself. In the group, I read one book after another and wrote one book after another ... I am slowly changing myself.