Tai Shigong said: I read Mencius, and when Liang Huiwang asked "how to benefit my country", I could not help but sigh. Thought: alas, utility is indeed the root of all disasters. The reason why Confucius seldom talks about utilitarianism is to always guard against the root of trouble. Therefore, his old gentleman said, "Acting blindly according to your own interests will lead to resentment in many ways." From the son of heaven to ordinary people. What's the difference between the evil consequences of pursuing utilitarianism!
Meng Ke, a native of Zou, studied with students in Kong Ji. After getting familiar with Confucianism, he persuaded Qi Xuanwang to travel, but Xuanwang didn't appoint him. He went to Wei, but Wei Huiwang didn't believe him. He thought his words were devious, vague and unrealistic. At that time, the State of Qin appointed Shang Yang, making the country rich and the army strong; Chu and Wei appointed Wuqi to defeat the enemy and weaken the enemy; Qi Weiwang and Qi Xuanwang appointed Sun Bin, Tian Ji and others, which caused all the vassal states to come from the east to appear before the King of Qi. All countries in the world are committed to uniting Lian Heng, taking war as a virtue, but Meng Ke praised the virtues of Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, so all the countries he went to did not get along. So he retired, edited The Book of Songs and The Book of Classics with Zhang Wan and others, expounded Confucius' theory, and wrote seven pieces of Mencius. He later had scholars such as Mr. Zou.
There are three Mr. Zou in the State of Qi. Zou Ji was the first. He lobbied Qi Weiwang by playing the piano, so he was able to take part in the state affairs, and was named Cheng Hou, who was in charge of the Prime Minister's seal. He lived before Mencius. Followed by Zou Yan, after Mencius. Zou Yan saw that monarchs in various countries were more extravagant and extravagant, and did not advocate virtue. He believes that if we can practice ourselves with lofty virtue, we can promote it to the common people. So he deeply observed the changes of Yin and Yang in the universe, explored all kinds of grotesque and tortuous changes, and wrote "The End" and "The Great Sage", with more than 1, words. His words are wide-ranging and unreasonable. He insisted on verifying the subtle things first, and then extending them to infinity. First of all, he described it from now until the ancient Yellow Emperor, which was described by scholars * * *, and generally rose and fell with the world. Therefore, he recorded all kinds of systems that prayed for God's blessing and avoided evil, and pushed it away, until the heavens and the earth were not yet formed, it was ethereal and far-reaching and could not be studied. First of all, he listed the famous mountains and rivers in China, the animals in the mountains and valleys, the creatures that breed on land and water, and the treasures in all kinds of things, and so on, and talked about things that people in foreign countries overseas could not see. It is said that since the division of heaven and earth, the five virtues have been mutually reinforcing and reciprocal, and each era should adopt a political system corresponding to the five virtues. This is the mutual induction between destiny and personnel. He thought that China, as the Confucianists said, only accounted for one-eighty-first of the world. China is called Chixian Shenzhou. There is also Kyushu in Chixian Shenzhou, which is the Kyushu designated by Dayu, but this kind of state cannot be included in the number of big States. There are nine states like Chixian Shenzhou outside China, and this is the so-called Kyushu. In this land, there is a small sea around, and people and animals are not connected with the outside world, like in a region, which is a state. There are nine states like this, and Kyushu is surrounded by the sea, which is the edge of heaven and earth. This is his theory. But to sum up the purpose of his theory, it must come down to benevolence, righteousness and thrift. This theory is vague when it is applied to the relationship between monarch and minister, upper and lower, and six relatives. Those princes were surprised when they first came into contact with his theory, and they wanted to practice it, but they couldn't practice it later.
Therefore, Zou Yan is valued in Qi. On his way to Wei, Wei Huiwang personally greeted him in the suburbs and received him with the courtesy of a distinguished guest. Going to Zhao, Ping Yuanjun walked sideways and wiped his seat. When he came to the State of Yan, Yan Zhaowang cleared the way for him with a broom in his hand, and asked him to sit among the students, ask him for advice, build the Jieshi Palace for him, and go to consult in person. At this time, he wrote the article "Main Movement". He is so respected for lobbying other countries. Can he be as hungry as Confucius in Chen and Cai, and as miserable as Mencius in Qi and Liang? Therefore, Zhou Wuwang achieved Wang Ye by carrying out the righteousness and crusade against Shang Zhou, and Boyi starved to death and did not eat the food of the Zhou Dynasty; Wei Linggong asked Confucius for military advice, but Confucius avoided answering. King Hui of Wei tried to attack the State of Zhao, and Mencius replied by saying that Zhou Taiwang had escaped from the enemy. Do these have the meaning of pandering to the secular and seeking harmony? Point the square tenon at the round hole. Can you put it in? Some people say that Yi Yin approached Shang Tang with his cooking skills and encouraged him to achieve Wang Ye; Prissy fed the cows under the car of Qin State, and Qin Mugong appointed him to take the lead, catering to them first, and then guiding the other side to practice kingliness. Although Zou Yan's remarks are out of the ordinary, there may also be the intention of cooking by Priscilla and Yi Yin!
Scholars from Zou Yan to Jixia Academy in the State of Qi, such as Chunyu Kun, Shen Dao, Huan Yuan, Jiezi, Tian Pian, Zou Qian and others, wrote their own books to explore the reasons for the chaos, so as to lobby the contemporary monarch. How can these be fully described?
Chun Yuqi, a native of Qi State, has a wide knowledge and a strong memory, and is not devoted to one family academically. His remonstrance and persuasion to the monarch admired Yan Ying's behavior, but he focused on observing the monarch and speculating the other's thoughts. A guest introduced Chunyu Kun to Wei Huiwang, and King Hui turned away the servants around and summoned him twice alone, but he never said a word. King Hui was surprised, so he blamed the introduced guests and said, "You praised Mr. Chunyu Kun, saying that Guan Zhong and Yan Ying were not as good as him, but when you saw me, I got nothing. Am I not worthy to talk to him? What is the reason? " The guest told Chun Yuqi. Chun Yuxi said: "It should be like this. The last time I saw the king, his mind was on the hunting of horses and chariots; Later, I saw the king again. The king's heart was on the prostitute, so I was silent. " The guest told King Hui exactly what Chunyu Kun had said. King Hui was shocked and said, "Oh, Mr Chunyu is really a saint! Last time Mr. Chunyu came to see me, someone presented me with a good horse. I haven't had time to have a look, just as Mr. Chun arrived. The next time my husband came to see me, I was presented with kabuki, and I didn't have time for an interview, which coincided with Mr. Chunyu's arrival. Although I turned away from the people who served around, I was thinking about horses and kabuki. This is indeed the case. " Later, Chunyu Kun met him, and when he talked about it, he was not tired for three days and three nights. Wei Huiwang wanted to appoint him as Qing Xiang, so Chunyu declined and left Wei. So Wei Huiwang presented him with a four-horse-drawn car, bundles of silk, heavy jade, and one hundred ounces of gold. Chunyu Kun never came out to be an official.
Shen Dao is from Zhao. Tian Pian and Jiezi are from Qi. Huanyuan is a native of Chu. They all studied the Taoist theory of Huang Lao, thus giving play to the purpose of expounding Taoist theory. Therefore, Shen Dao wrote twelve theories, Huan Yuan wrote the upper and lower chapters, and Tian Pian and Jiezi also wrote some works.
Zou Xuan, one of Mr. Zou in the State of Qi, also adopted and absorbed Zou Yan's theory to write articles.
So the King of Qi praised all the scholars, from Chun Yu to Kun, and appointed them as doctors. They built mansions, halls and big houses next to markets extending in all directions for them, so as to respect them and show guests from all over the world that Qi can attract talented people from all over the world.
Xun Qing is from Zhao. When I was fifty, I came to give lectures in Qi. Zou Yan's theory is exaggerated and eloquent; Zou Xuan's writings are empty words and difficult to implement; Chun Yuxi, if you get along with him for a long time, you can often hear some useful remarks. Therefore, the people of Qi praised and said, "Talking about heaven and earth counts Zou Yan, splendid articles count Zou Ying, and wisdom counts more than people." At that time, Tian Pian and others had died. When King Qi Xiang was in power, Xun Qing was the most qualified teacher at that time. Qi is making up for the shortage of doctors, and Xun Qing has been an academic leader for three times. Some people in the State of Qi vilified Xun Qing, so Xun Qing went to Chu, and Chun Shenjun appointed him as the magistrate of Lanling County. After the death of Chun Shenjun, Xun Qing was deposed and settled in Lanling. Reese was a student in Xun Qing, and later became prime minister in Qin. Xun Qing was jealous of the confused politics of the world, the country was destroyed, and the monarch was separated, one after another, not following the road of Wang Zheng, but being confused by ghosts and gods, superstitious about good or bad omen. The humble Confucian scholars stick to the details. For example, Zhuang Zhou and others confuse the secular world with their eloquence, so he investigated the actions of Confucianism, Mohism and Taoism, and sorted out their successes and failures, and wrote tens of thousands of books and died. So he was buried in Lanling.
There is Gong Sunlong in Zhao State, who stirs up arguments about "separation from firmness" and "difference in contract", as well as the related remarks of the drama. Li Kui, a state-owned enterprise in Wei, advocates giving full play to the potential of land. Chu has a corpse and a long Lu, and Ayi of Qi has a baby. Since Mencius and even Xu Ying, their works have been widely circulated in the world, so their theoretical contents are not covered here.
Mo Zhai, a doctor in the Song Dynasty, was proficient in the tactics of defending against the enemy and advocated saving money. Some people say that he is at the same time as Confucius, while others say that he is behind Confucius.