Does the unicorn, the symbol of a better time, really exist?

Unicorns don't really exist. Everything about them comes from legends. If unicorns really existed, then in the course of so many years of research and archaeology, some unicorns' bones or evidence of existence will be found. But so far, the location has not been found, dinosaurs can find the existence of fossils, unicorns do not.

The image of a unicorn is deified. Some scientists believe that the Irish bighorn deer is actually a legendary unicorn, and the Irish bighorn deer has become extinct. And the extinction of this animal is also caused by its big horn. This kind of deer will be more than two meters tall and have large antlers. If you add antlers, the deer can reach at least three meters and the highest can reach seven meters. This kind of deer is often entangled in branches when running.

Of course, some scientists believe that the unicorn is just a big horn on the deer's head, similar to the antelope, so it is the result of the ancients' exaggerated creation according to the shape of this animal, and then gives the unicorn magical power and gives people a kind of faith. Sometimes people think they are seeing magical unicorns, but in fact they are likely to encounter adoption and Irish bighorn deer.

Geneticists believe that unicorns are probably caused by genetic mutations, but they are actually deer mutations. People endow unicorns with a deified power, just like mythical animals such as Kirin and Brave Warriors in ancient China. People still use the shapes of these beasts, but they don't exist in reality. There is no beast that can only eat money, and there is no beast that can breathe fire like Kirin.

So in fact, unicorns exist in this way, because the bones of unicorns can't be found, which is the most direct evidence. If once the unicorn's bones are found, then no one will not believe in the existence of unicorns. But this didn't happen, so I don't think unicorns exist.