Appreciation of Pre-Qin Prose Mencius Qi People Have a Wife and a Concubine

Appreciation of the Original Text of Pre-Qin Prose Mencius Qi People Have a Wife and a Concubine

If Qi people have a wife and a concubine, if their lover comes out, they will drink wine and meat, and then go against it. If his wife asks about food and drink, she will be rich. His wife told his concubine, "When a lover comes out, he will eat wine and meat and then turn back;" Ask them and the eaters, they are all rich, and if there is no one who shows up, I will be the place where the lover is. "

fleas start from ④, and they are given what good people do, ⑤, and those who don't talk to each other all over the country. ⑦ between the walls of Dongguo, the worshippers beg for the rest; Insufficient, but also take care of him-this is the way to be satisfied.

when his wife returned, she told her concubine, saying, "The lover has been looking forward to all his life, but now if this is the case," she and her concubine wept in the atrium. And the lover doesn't know it, so he gives from outside and is arrogant about his wife and concubine.

from a gentleman's point of view, the reason why people want to be rich and powerful is that their wives and concubines are not ashamed, but those who don't cry are hopeful.

Note ① Lover: husband. ② Crab (yan phonophobia): full, full. (3) (jian tone): Peep. 4 fleas: the same as "early". ⑤ Shi: pass the "舵". Wandering along. 6 countries: national capitals and cities. ⑦ Guo: Outer city. Dongguo is the eastern suburb. Xun: the grave. 8 Shi Shi: happy and complacent.

There was a man in the State of Qi who had a wife and a concubine at home. Every time a husband goes out, he must be full of wine and meat before returning. His wife eats and drinks with whoever he likes, and (according to him) they are all rich and powerful people. His wife told his concubine, "When my husband went out, he must have been full and drunk before he came back. He asked who he was eating and drinking with. All of them were rich and powerful people, but he had never seen any dignitaries come to our house. I was going to quietly see where he had been."

when she got up early the next morning, she followed her husband and walked around the city. No one stopped to talk to her husband. Finally, he came to the graveyard in the eastern suburbs. He went to the grave sweepers and begged them for some leftover wine. Not enough to eat, and look around, run to beg elsewhere-this is his way of satiated with food and drink.

When his wife came home, she told his concubine about this situation, saying, "The husband was originally the person we looked up to and relied on for life, but now he is like this." So she laughed at her husband with her concubine and cried in the yard. And their husbands didn't know it, so they came back from outside triumphantly, playing down a peg or two in front of their wives and concubines (as usual).

In the gentleman's view, it's rare that some people can beg for wealth and power without making their wives and concubines feel ashamed and crying.

Ji Pingqing, Zhao Chengmo: Describing the situation of those who seek wealth and power by begging with Qi people, and giving birth to wives and concubines from Qi people, rendering the twists and turns, all the viewers want to laugh and cry without knowing it. (Meng Zi Wen Ping)

Qing Niu Yunzhen: The narrative only needs a few empty word turns, and it is already alive. (Mencius' Papers)

Qing Wu Kaisheng: The word "if this is the case today" is cut off, and the voice and emotion whimper. (Mencius Grammar Reader)

General case This article is selected from Mencius Li Lou and is a famous fable. The story tells the story of a Qi beggar who lived on the leftovers of others all day, but boasted to his wives and concubines when he came home, so as to lash out at some people who were chasing wealth and wealth at that time.

this article is full of twists and turns, but it is full of drama. Especially after the false face of "lover" has been exposed by his wife and concubine, he is still in the dark and still puts on a rich and proud look, which really makes people laugh! The language in this article is concise and expressive. For example, my wife said to my concubine, "A lover is what I look forward to all my life, and now if this is the case-",and finally she stopped before she finished speaking, vividly depicting the woman's disappointment, sadness and choking. Therefore, critics say that "three words are frustrated and infinite smoke waves" ("Notes on Comments on Thirteen Classics")