The rights of the eastern kings
During the Qin and Han dynasties, it was said that there were three islands in the sea, and ten continents were among them: Shangdao, Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou; The three islands in Zhongdao are Meirong, Yuen Long and Yaochi; The three states of Xiadao are Chicheng, Xuanguan and Taoyuan. Three islands and nine continents stand in the middle of HarmonyOS. Between the three islands, there is Zifu County, which is the official position of Emperor Donghua, competing with the immortals, from the ground to the immortals, from the immortals to the immortals, from the immortals to the immortals, from the immortals to the true saints, and into the land where there is nothing. These three moves are all managed by Donghua Emperor.