How to design a good-looking signature

Design beautiful signature methods include: text combination, splicing method, connecting first and then filling in, drawing lessons from cursive script and using structure.

1, text combination

The so-called word combination is to write all the words of the whole name into one word, which is to simplify the name to the greatest extent. The signatures written in this way generally have low recognition and are mostly used for the signatures of some stars. As we all know, there are no more fans than popular stars, and the characteristics of simplicity, fast writing speed and beauty become the necessary conditions for star signatures.

2. Splicing method

Although every word of the name is single, when we are writing the signature, we should fuse every word of the whole name to make the signature a whole, so that the written signature will look good.

3. Contact first and then make up

It means that when you design a signature, you should first find out the structure in your name, see which radical structures can be written by Lian Bi, and then fill in the missing ones. This method can effectively reduce the writing time and steps. It also reduces the number of broken pens. If the words in the name are concise, there is a chance to write a sign. This will greatly improve the effect of signature.

Step 4 learn from cursive script

In our existing calligraphy, cursive strokes and writing methods are the simplest, so when you write your signature, you can draw lessons from cursive to design your signature, and the exaggerated writing method of cursive is also in line with the characteristics of designing your signature. If the cursive script can be simplified, the probability of writing will be higher and the writing efficiency will be faster.

5. * * * Same structure

There are many same radicals and structures in our Chinese characters. When writing a signature, you can use the same structure in the name, that is, two same structures, and we only write one. This can effectively reduce the repeated writing of our names, thus achieving the effect of reducing signature strokes.