Yu (fú) Baling wins the case in Dongting Lake. Holding the distant mountains, swallowing the Yangtze River and making endless soup (shāng); It's sunny in the morning and cloudy at night. This is the grand view of Yueyang Tower. Everything the elder said is ready. But the northern martial arts, the Antarctic Xiaoxiang and the poets who moved abroad will all be here, and they will look at things very well.
If the husband is raining, he won't even open the moon; Evil wind whistling, turbid waves emptying; The sun, the moon and the stars are hidden (Yao), and the mountains are hidden; If business travel is not good, it will be ruined. At dusk, tigers roar and apes crow. When you go to the temple building, you are homesick, sad, sad and sad.
If it is spring, it is calm and the sky is high and the clouds are light; Travel, travel, shore zhi (zhǐ)těng(tοng) orchid, gloomy. Or the long smoke has gone, the moon is thousands of miles away, the light is shining and the static shadow is heavy; How happy it is to answer the fisherman's song! When you arrive at Dunsi Building, you will feel relaxed and happy, forget the humiliation, and leave the wine in the wind, which will make you feel happy.
Oh, my husband! Give (yú) a taste of the loss of people's hearts, or do something different from the two. What is it (zāi)? Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself; If you live high in a temple, you will worry about your people; If you stay away from the Jianghu, you will worry about your husband. It's worrying about going in and going out. But when is it fun to sell? It must be said: worry about the world first, and then enjoy the world. Hey (y: and)! Wes, who are we going home with?