Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy, like others, is full of pride and righteousness. This kind of righteousness and arrogance is found in the world. Besides the excellence of Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy, his backbone is also worthy of admiration. Although Yan Zhenqing was a scholar, he stood up when the country was in danger. Carry the banner against An Lushan. Become a mainstay of Tang Jun.
Yan Zhenqing was a great loyal minister. After breaking through Chang 'an on the road, the momentum is very strong. Many officials surrendered to An Lushan along the way, but Yan Zhenqing did not make such a choice. He raised an army, headed by Yan Zhenqing, with 200,000 troops, which was the most powerful military force in the Tang Dynasty and the hope of putting down the rebellion in the Tang Dynasty.
Yan Zhenqing led a great army in the early stage and won a great victory. However, in the later period, Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi retreated to Huiyuan, and Yan Zhenqing became an isolated army in the north. Yan Zhenqing lost to the rebel side by virtue of his perseverance and the rebel side's death. Although Yan Zhenqing is a scholar, he is a man with an iron bone in his bones. Yan Zhenqing would rather die than surrender, and a generation of famous ministers died at the hands of the rebels.