Ouyang Tong’s character profile

Ouyang Tong, the fourth son of Ouyang Xun. When Xun died, Tong Shang was still young, and his mother, Xu, raised him in Yin, hoping that his son would inherit his father's business. The handwriting of inquiry was scattered among the people, and there were not many in his family's collection. Xu bought some back at a high price. By copying day and night, calligraphy made great progress.

When I first worshiped Lantai Lang, he moved to Zhongshushe in Fengyizhong. His mother, Xu, died of illness, and Tong lived in mourning. It was said that in the 60 years of the Tang Dynasty, he was the most rigorous mourner among the officials. Later, he moved to Huaizhou to serve as governor, Heng Weiqing. Lei Qian was the Prime Minister of the Palace, Minister of the Ministry of War, Taichang Qing, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Doctor Jin Ziguanglu. Bohaizi and Tongzhongshu were granted the title of Pingzhangshi, and they were transferred to the minister of Liqing and Fannayanshi ("Chronicles of Chinese Prime Ministers") for more than a month. Empress Wu wanted to depose Zhongzong and established Wu Chengsi as the prince. Cen Changqian and others wept and remonstrated, advanced the theory of Zhexie, and asked Ruizong to be made the crown prince. What he said was that he was disobedient to Wu Zetian. In the second year of Tianshou (691), he was framed by Lai Junchen and imprisoned. Five poisons were prepared, and there was no difference in the end. Lai Junchen had no choice but to torture Cen Changqian's eldest son Cen Lingyuan, and falsely accused Ouyang Tong, Ge Fuyuan and dozens of others of treason. "They were all charged with conspiracy and executed." In the first year of Shenlong, the imperial edict was issued to reinstate him as an official; return his family property, build a temple to worship him, and provide an official successor.

My wife, Mrs. Hu, gave birth to three sons: Youming, Yourang, and Youxian (because the young master and younger brother Ouyang Shao were not married to the Wang family, he inherited his father's order and succeeded Ouyang Shao in Panhu, Jinjiang, Fujian). heir).

Ouyang is a master of regular script and has mastered his father's method. In his later years, he was quite dignified, using raccoon hair as a pen, covering it with rabbit hair, and rhinoceros and elephant bones as a tube. The inscriptions include "Master Daoyin's Stele" and "Quan Nansheng's Epitaph". People at that time called the calligraphy of father and son "big and small Ouyang style". At the foot of Shutang Mountain in Wangcheng County, Changsha City today, there are still remains of the place where his father and son studied and practiced calligraphy.