Mencius said: "Luz, if people tell them that they already have it, they will be happy." When you hear good things, you will worship them. Dashun is thoughtful and kind to people. He gives himself to others and takes pleasure in others. Planting crops, making pottery, fishing, and even being an emperor are nothing more than taking from people. Treating others well is also good for others, so it is also a good thing for you to be good to others. " -"Mencius Gongsun Ugly Chapters"
Mencius said, "Luz, he is very happy when others point out his shortcomings." When Dayu heard something instructive, he saluted others. The great Shun Di is even more outrageous: he always does good deeds with others. Abandon your own shortcomings, learn from others' advantages, and learn from others' advantages very happily to do good. From farming, pottery making and fishing to being an emperor, he never failed to learn from others. Absorb the advantages of others and do good deeds, that is, do good deeds with others. Gentleman. The most important thing is to do good things with others. "
Calligraphy works: Yuan Jiqiang, whose real name is Zi Sheng, Cedar, calls himself Yulu, vice president of China International Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, visiting professor of Wuhan University, dean of China North Painting Academy, and a famous powerful painting and calligraphy artist.
I wonder who wrote it in ancient times.