Translation of "Book Break? Wang Xizhi": Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty, also known as Yi Shao, was the son of Wang Kuang. He was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw a book about calligraphy from the previous dynasty in his father's pillow, so he secretly read it. His father said, "Why do you want to peek at my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled but did not answer. His mother said: "He is watching your way of writing."
When his father saw that he was young, he said to Wang Xizhi: "When you grow up, I will teach you." Wang Xizhi sincerely requested his father: "Give it to me now. If I wait until I grow up, I'm afraid my childhood talent will be buried." His father was very happy and gave it to him. In less than a month, my calligraphy has improved greatly.
When Mrs. Wei found out, she said to Wang Ce, who was the Taichang official: "This child must be learning the secrets of using a pen. Recently, I saw his calligraphy and he has become a master." Wang Ce said with tears. : "This child will definitely eclipse my reputation in the future."
Original text: Jin Wang Xizhi, who was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw the previous generation's "Bi Shuo" on his father's pillow and read it in secret. His father asked, "Why did you come to steal my secret?" Xizhi laughed but did not answer. His mother said, "I want to see how you use your pen." She said, "I will teach you when you are an adult." When the moon is not waxing, the books will be greatly improved. When Mrs. Wei saw her, she said to Taichang Wang Ce, "This son must have seen the "Book of Use". After reading his book recently, he will have mature wisdom." She shed tears and said, "This son will definitely hide my name!"