On the first day of fasting, Guan and Zhang were absent, and Xuande was watering vegetables in the backyard. Chu Xu and Zhang Liao led dozens of people into the park, saying, "The Prime Minister has orders, please go ahead." Liu Bei was surprised and asked, "What's the matter?" Chu Xu said, "I don't know. Just teach me to ask for it. "
Liu Bei had to follow them into the house to see Cao Cao. Cao Cao laughed and said, "What great things to do at home!" Liu Bei blushed. Cao Cao took Liu Bei's hand and walked all the way to the backyard, saying, "It's not easy to learn from Liu Bei!" Liu Bei was relieved and replied, "Nothing bothers me."
Cao Cao said, "When I saw the plums on the branches, I suddenly felt that when Zhang Xiu was recruited last year, the roads were short of water and the soldiers were thirsty. I had a plan in mind and pointed at it with a whip and said,' There's Merlin ahead.' The sergeant smelled it, his mouth was full of saliva and he was not thirsty. I can't help admiring this plum today. It's also worth cooking wine, so I want to invite you to the pavilion for a while. "
Xuande was calm. With the arrival of kiosks, there is an old saying: put green plums on the plate and cook wine in the bottle. The two sat opposite each other and drank heartily. The wine is half drunk, suddenly the clouds are deserted and the shower is coming. Pointing to the dragon hanging in the sky, Cao Cao and Liu Bei looked at it from the fence.
Cao Cao said, "Do you know the change of dragons?" Liu Bei said, "I don't know the details."
Cao Cao said, "Dragons can be big or small, they can be raised or hidden; It's cloudy and foggy when it's big, and it's hidden when it's small; Rise and fly in the universe, hide and lurk in the waves. This spring is deep, dragons change with time, Jews succeed and travel all over the world. The dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero in the world. Liu Bei has been traveling around the world for a long time. He must know the contemporary heroes. Please try to point it out. "
Liu Bei said, "Let the naked eye know the hero?" Cao Cao said, "Don't be too modest." Liu Bei said, "If you are ready for grace, you can serve in the imperial court. Heroes in the world are really nameless. " Cao Cao said, "I don't know his face, but I also know his name."
Liu Bei said, "Yuan Shu in Huainan is a hero because he has enough soldiers and food." Cao Cao laughed and said, "I will catch the dead bones in the grave sooner or later!" " Liu Bei said: "Yuan Shao, Hebei Province, has four generations and three publics, and there are many old officials;" Now that the tiger lives in Jizhou, there are more men who can do things. Can they be heroes? "
Cao Cao laughed and said, "Yuan Shao is greedy and timid. He always makes plans. Do great things and cherish your health, but forget your life when you see Xiao Li: you are not a hero. Liu Bei said, "There was a man named Bajun who made a great impact on Kyushu. Is Liu Canjing a hero? Cao Cao said: "Liu Biao is a hollow name, but he is not a hero." "
Liu Bei said: "There is a bloody person, and Sun Bofu, the leader of Jiangdong League, is a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Sun Ce is not a hero in the name of his father." Liu Bei said, "Liu Yuji, from Yizhou, is she a hero?"
Cao Cao said, "Although Liu Zhang is an imperial clan, he is a dog's ear. How can he be a hero? " Liu Bei said, "What about Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu and Han Sui?" Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed and said, "What a shame!" Liu Bei said, "I really don't know anything else."
Cao Cao said: "A hero has ambition, good strategies, the opportunity to hide the universe, and the ambition to enter and leave the world." Liu Bei said, "Who can it be?" Cao Cao pointed to Liu Bei with his finger, then pointed to himself and said, "Only the monarch and Cao Er are heroes in the world today!"
Hearing this, Liu Bei was taken aback and the spoon in his hand fell to the ground. It rained and thundered. Liu Bei calmly lowered his head and said, "The power of the earthquake is even here." Cao Cao laughed and said, "Is the husband also afraid of thunder?"
Liu Bei said: "saints change in lightning speed, so they are not afraid." The reason for the loss of smell speech was gently covered up. Cao Cao did not doubt Liu Bei. Later generations have a poem praising: "I will go to the tiger's den for a while and say that the hero is shocked and killed." Clever use of thunder to cover up and improvise. "
I didn't survive until it rained. I saw two men crashing into the back garden, carrying swords and rushing to the front of the pavilion, unable to stop them from left and right. Cao Cao regarded it as Guan and Zhang.
It turned out that an arrow was fired outside the city. Hearing that Liu Bei was invited by Chu Xu and Zhang Liao, he hurried to ask. I heard that in the backyard, I was afraid of losing, so there was a conflict. But I saw Liu Bei and Cao Cao sitting and drinking. The two men stood by and watched the sword. Fuck, ask them where they came from.
"I heard that the Prime Minister and his brother were drinking," said Yun Chang. "I came to dance swords to help laugh." Cao Cao said with a smile, "This is not a Hongmen meeting. Why not use Xiang Zhuang and Xiang Bo? " Xuande also smiled. Cao Cao ordered: "Take wine and two Fan Kuai to calm down."
Guan and Zhang thank humbly. After a while, Liu Bei resigned and came back. Yun Shang said, "You almost killed us both!" Liu Bei's theory of "falling horse" is related to Guan and Zhang. What do you mean by Guan and Zhang Wen?
Liu Bei said: "My school wants Cao Cao to know that I have no ambition;" I didn't expect Cao Cao to call me a hero. I was shocked. I was afraid of being suspicious, so I covered my ears with fear of thunder. " Guan Yu and Zhang Yue said, "Brother, this is a wise suggestion!"
One day, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were away, and Liu Bei was watering vegetables in the backyard. Chu Xu and Zhang Liao took dozens of people to the garden and said to Liu Bei, "The Prime Minister has a life, please let him do it." Liu Bei was surprised and asked, "What's the matter?" Chu Xu said, "I don't know. Just teach me to come. "
Liu Bei had to follow them into the house to see Cao Cao. Cao Cao smiled and said, "You are doing great things at home!" Liu Bei turned pale with fear. Cao Cao took Xuande by the hand and went to the back garden. He said, "It is not easy for Xuande to learn gardening!"
Liu Bei was relieved to hear this. He replied, "There is nothing to amuse yourself."
Cao Cao said: "I just saw plums on the branches, and suddenly remembered that when I went to conquer Zhang Xiu last year, the road was short of water and the soldiers were thirsty;" I had a plan in my heart and pointed at it with a whip and said,' There's Merlin ahead.' Hearing this, the sergeant spat and was not thirsty. Now I can't help but admire this plum. While cooking wine, I invite your special envoy to stay in the pavilion for a while. "
Xuande was calm. When I arrived at the pavilion, I had already set the cups and plates: there were plums in the plate and a bottle of wine was cooked. The two sat opposite each other and drank heartily.
Halfway through the wine, suddenly dark clouds rolled and a shower was coming. The attendants pointed to the dragon hanging in the sky, and Cao Cao and Liu Bei watched on the railing. Cao Cao said, "Does your majesty know about the change of dragons?" Liu Bei said, "I'd like to hear all about it."
Cao Cao said: "dragons can be big or small, can be raised or hidden;" It's cloudy and foggy when it's big, and it's hidden when it's small; Rise and fly in the universe, hide and lurk in the waves. This spring is deep, dragons change with time, Jews succeed and travel all over the world. The dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero in the world. Xuande often travels abroad, and he must know the contemporary heroes. Please tell me about it. "
Liu Bei said, "I have little knowledge. How do I know who the hero is? " Cao Cao said, "Don't be too modest." Liu Bei said, "With your majesty's love and protection, you can be an official in the DPRK. Heroes in the world are unprecedented. "
Cao Cao said, "I haven't seen him. I've heard his name for a long time." Liu Bei said, "Yuan Shu in Huainan is full of soldiers and food. Can he be called a hero? " Cao Cao smiled and said, "Yuan Shu is just a dead bone in the grave. I will catch him sooner or later! "
Liu Bei said: "Hebei Yuan Shao has served for four generations in succession, and there are many old collectors in his family." Now that the tiger lives in Jizhou, there are many people who can do things. Can you be called a hero? "
Cao Cao said with a smile: "Yuan Shao is a greedy and timid man, but he is good at planning but has no decision;" Do great things but cherish life, see small profits but forget to care about life: not a hero. Liu Bei said: "There is a man named Bajun, who is a great hero in Kyushu: Can Jingsheng of Liu Can be called a hero?"
Cao Cao said, "Liu Biao is not a nominal hero." Liu Bei said, "Is Sun Bofu, the Lord of Jiangdong, a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Sun Ce is not a hero because of his father's name."
Liu Bei said, "Is Liu Can concubine in Yizhou a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Although Liu Zhang is an imperial clan, he can only be a dog guarding his family. How can he be called a hero! " Liu Bei said, "What about Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu, Han Sui and others?"
Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed and said, "These mediocre people are nothing!" Liu Bei said, "Besides, I really don't know." Cao Cao said: "People who can be called heroes should be people who have ambitions, good strategies, opportunities to hide the universe and have a heart for the world."
Liu Bei asked, "Then who can be called a hero?" Cao Cao pointed to Liu Bei with his finger, then pointed to himself and said, "The only heroes in the world today are your special envoy and me (Cao Cao)!" Hearing this, Liu Bei was taken aback, and his chopsticks and spoon fell to the ground.
At this time, it happened to rain heavily and thunder loudly. Liu Bei bowed his head calmly, picked up the spoon and said, "It's only because of the loud thunder that I was startled." Cao Cao smiled and said, "Are men afraid of thunder?"
Liu Bei said, "How can I not be afraid when the sage hears the wind and thunder turn his face?" I will hear what I just said before the chopsticks spoon falls, so I gently cover up the past. Cao Caocai doesn't doubt Xuande.
Later generations have a poem praising (Liu Bei): "I don't want to go into the tiger's den for the time being, saying that breaking the hero scares people to death." Clever use of thunder to cover up and improvise. "
Extended data:
A brief introduction to the hero of Boiling Wine on Heroes:
1, Cao Cao
Cao Cao (155-0315,220) was born in Mengde, a lucky man and a small character, Asan, from Peiguoqiao County (now Bozhou, Anhui Province). At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was an outstanding politician, strategist, writer and calligrapher, and the founder of the Cao Wei regime in the Three Kingdoms.
Cao Cao served as the prime minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty and later named Wang Wei, which laid the foundation for the establishment of Cao Wei. After his death, posthumous title became King Wu. After his son Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, he was honored as Emperor Wu, with the temple name Mao.
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos. In the name of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao conquered all directions, wiped out the separatist forces such as Er Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu Biao, Ma Chao and Han Sui at home, surrendered the southern Xiongnu, Wu Huan and Xianbei abroad, and unified northern China.
And implemented a series of policies to restore economic production and social order, expand land reclamation, build water conservancy projects, reward farmers and admire mulberry, attach importance to handicrafts, resettle refugees, and implement "rent modulation", thus making the Central Plains society gradually stable and the economy turn around.
Under Cao Cao's rule, the politics of the Yellow River valley gradually became clear, the economy gradually recovered, the class oppression was slightly alleviated, and the social atmosphere improved. Some measures taken by Cao Cao in the name of Han have positive effects.
Cao Cao is proficient in the art of war militarily and attaches importance to talents and talents. Therefore, he took a fancy to his potential molecules at all costs. He is good at writing poems, expressing his political ambitions and reflecting the miserable life of the people in the late Han Dynasty. He is magnificent, generous and sad.
Prose is also neat, which opens and prospers Jian 'an literature and leaves precious spiritual wealth to future generations. Lu Xun rated him as "the founder of reforming articles". At the same time, Cao Cao is also good at calligraphy, and Zhang Huaiguan in the Tang Dynasty rated Cao Cao's Cao Zhang as a "wonderful work" in "The Story".
2. Liu Bei
Liu Bei (161-June10,223) was born in Zhuoxian County (now Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province), a quiet county in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. After Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty, Shu Han was the founding emperor and politician in the Three Kingdoms period. Historians usually call it the late master.
When Liu Bei was a teenager, he worshipped Lu Zhi as a teacher, and later participated in activities such as suppressing the Yellow Scarf Uprising and punishing Dong Zhuo. Because of his limited strength, Liu Bei suffered repeated failures in the scuffle among princes, so he attached himself to Gongsun Zan, Tao Qian, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao and other princes.
However, because he always adhered to the code of conduct of serving people with virtue, he was respected by celebrities at home and abroad. Even Tao Qian and Liu Biao gave up letting their sons inherit the inheritance, but chose to hand over their territories Xuzhou and Jingzhou to Liu Bei.
After unremitting efforts, after Battle of Red Cliffs, Liu Bei successively won Jingzhou and Yizhou, and established the Shu-Han regime. Later, because Guan Yu was persecuted, Liu Bei refused to listen to the advice of his ministers and insisted on fighting Wu. The result was defeated by Yiling, and finally Zhangwu died in Baidicheng in 223. At the age of 63, posthumous title Zhaolie was buried in Huiling.
Liu Bei Hongyi is generous, understanding and persevering. His behavior entrusted to Zhuge Liang by the whole country during his lifetime was regarded by Chen Shouzan as the prosperous track of ancient and modern times, and many literary and artistic works in later generations also featured Liu Bei. Chengdu Wuhou Temple commemorates Zhaolie Temple.
Second, history.
The story "Boiling Wine on Heroes" did not appear in the official history, but was adapted by Luo Guanzhong, the author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, according to the relevant records of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu and Biography of the ancients.
Some historians believe that the "On Heroes" incident is an integral part of the Zhao incident. In essence, it is the pre-war activities of various political forces before the battle of Guandu.
According to "Biography of the First Master", there is no hero in cooking wine, but Cao Cao directly regrets that Liu Bei has only himself and people like Liu Bei and Yuan Shao are not worried.
Speaking of the battle between Cao Yuan and Guandu at that time, Cao Cao often encouraged Liu Bei's words or comforted his subordinates. Moreover, unlike the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, before this incident, Liu Bei had not participated in Dong Cheng's "imperial edict" plot, which is called "the emperor will not send it".
Only after this happened did Liu Bei participate in Dong Cheng's plan. From the result theory, Cao Cao's words contributed to Liu Bei's determination to leave Cao Cao Group. Just as Cao Cao sent Liu Bei to intercept Yuan Shu, Liu Bei was out of Cao Cao's control.
Third, the source introduction:
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of China's classical Four Great Classical Novels, is China's first chapter-by-chapter historical romance novel. Its full name is Romance of the Three Kingdoms (also known as Romance of the Three Kingdoms), written by Luo Guanzhong, a famous novelist in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.
There are several versions of the popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms, such as Jiajing Renwu Edition. By the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Mao Zonggang had rearranged the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, revised the wording and changed the poems.
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms describes the history of nearly a hundred years from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the beginning of the Western Jin Dynasty, mainly describing the war, telling the scuffle between warlords at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the political and military struggle between Wei, Shu and Wu, and finally Sima Yan unified the Three Kingdoms.
The story of establishing the Jin Dynasty. It reflects the transformation of various social struggles and contradictions during the Three Kingdoms period, summarizes the historical changes of this era, and shapes a group of heroes of the Three Kingdoms.
The book can be roughly divided into five parts: The Yellow turban insurrectionary, Dong Zhuo's rebellion, competing among the heroes, the Three Kingdoms' separation, and the Three Kingdoms' return to Jin. On the vast historical stage, a magnificent war scene was staged. Luo Guanzhong, the author, combines the thirty-six strategies of Sun Tzu's Art of War between the lines, including both the plot and the strategy of Sun Tzu's Art of War.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the first novel, the first historical novel and the first literati novel in the history of China literature.
The whole story started from the historical background of the late Eastern Han Dynasty to the early Western Jin Dynasty. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the emperor was groggy and incompetent, the eunuch was autocratic, the court was corrupt, and the people were in poverty, and then a large-scale peasant uprising, the Yellow Scarf Uprising, broke out. In troubled times, a generation of heroes emerged in the competition.
At that time, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao led their ministers into the palace in the name of "Ten Regular Servants Rebellion", and Emperor Liu Bian and Wang Liuxie fled in a hurry.
In the process of various governors scrambling to find Liu Bian and Liu Xie, Dong Zhuo, a former garrison soldier in Liangzhou, immediately grasped the power of the DPRK, abolished the Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty, and made Liu Chen Xie the Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty.
Dong Zhuo, who was cruel by nature, did the opposite, causing many people's anger. In the name of imperial edict, Cao Cao summoned a group of heroes to jointly crusade against Dong Zhuo and forced him to carry Emperor Han Xian to Chang 'an. Dong Zhuo was later killed by his adopted son Lu Bu.
Since then, Yuan Shao wanted to pass on the imperial seal in the hands of Sun Jian, the Changsha magistrate. Sun Jian was attacked by Liu Biao in Jingzhou on the way to escape, and made numerous enemies. Sun Jian was killed when he later attacked Jingzhou.
At the same time, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan fought at the Hebei border, and the battle of the boundary bridge broke out. Cao Cao recruited talented people, and Liu Bei continued to expand his strength. At this time, the prototype of the Central Plains began to take shape.
After Dong Zhuo's death, Cao Cao "held the emperor to make the princes", welcomed Emperor Xian of Han to build his capital in Xuchang, and used tactics to get rid of Lu Bu, Yuan Shu and others. In the subsequent battle of Guandu, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao with fewer victories and then unified the north, which laid a solid foundation for the establishment of Wei State.
In Jiangdong, Sun Jian's son, Sun Ce, finally dominated eighty-one states in six counties in Jiangdong after years of hard work. After Sun Ce's death, his brother Sun Quan succeeded to the throne. With the support of Zhou Yu and others, Sun Quan accumulated great strength for the establishment of the State of Wu.
Liu Beize became close friends with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Taoyuan, and * * * set the banner of aiding Han. Liu Bei was defeated by Liu Biao in Runan and defected to Liu Biao in Jingzhou. Then Liu Bei visited the cottage and asked Zhuge Liang, who was resourceful and ambitious, to help.
After Cao Cao unified the north, he began to go to South dispatch troops, aiming at Jingzhou and Jiangdu. At this point, Liu Biao died, and his eldest son Liu Qi kept Jiangxia. Liu Cong, the second son, took over Jingzhou and surrendered to Cao Cao, so Jingzhou fell into Cao Cao's hands.
Facing Cao Cao's southern expedition, Liu Bei sent Zhuge Liang to Jiangdong to form an alliance with Sun Quan. Zhuge Liang argued with wisdom in Jiangdong, and eventually led Sun and Liu to join hands, and through a series of step-by-step and planned actions in Battle of Red Cliffs, he was defeated and wrote a glorious page in the history of ancient war in China.
After Battle of Red Cliffs, Liu Bei and Sun Quan turned to fight for Jingzhou. Sun Quan sent Lu Su to ask Liu Bei for Jingzhou, and Liu Bei refused many times at Zhuge Liang's suggestion.
Zhou Yu tried to trick Liu Bei into going to Dongwu to marry Sun Quan's sister Sun Shangxiang, then detained Liu Bei and threatened Zhuge Liang to exchange Jingzhou.
Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu's strategy was repeatedly seen through by Zhuge Liang, which led him to "lose his wife and lose his soldiers." Zhou Yu eventually vomited blood in Zhuge Liang's sarcasm and died, leaving behind "You are born with Yu, why are you born with Liang!" A deep sigh.
After Zhou Yu's death, Wu Jun was busy fighting with Cao Jun, and Liu Bei defeated Liu Zhang under Zhuge Liang's persuasion, seized surprisingly, and took Hanzhong from Cao Cao, claiming to be the king of Hanzhong. At this point, the general trend of the world has reached, and the situation of the three countries has formed.
Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor in Bashu, with the title of Shu Han; Cao Cao dominated the Central Plains, and later his son Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and changed his country name to Wei. Sun Quan is here in Jiangdong.
After reconciliation with Cao Wei, Sun Quan was named Hou of Nanchang. General Monroe of Wu Dong crossed the river in white and captured Jingzhou. Guan Yu, who was attacking Fancheng at this time, had to retreat to Maicheng and was captured in the process of breaking through. Guan Yu would rather die than surrender and was beheaded by Sun Quan. Zhang Fei was also killed by his subordinates Fan Qiang and Zhang Da, and Liu Bei was very sad.
Sun Quan then worshipped Lu Xun as the viceroy and defeated the Shu army. When Liu Bei led the defeated army to Bai Di City, he fell ill and asked Zhuge Liang for help before he died. At this time, Xelloss took the opportunity to unite with Na Man, Qiang, and Meng Da to attack Shu.
Zhuge Liang sent Ma Chao and Zhao Yun to guard the pass, and Li Yan and Deng Zhi to persuade Meng Da and Wu Dong. Zhuge Liang personally led the army to capture seven levels and put down Meng Huo's rebellion.
After xelloss's death, his son Cao Rui acceded to the throne. Zhuge Liang left Qishan six times, determined to fulfill Liu Bei's last wish of restoring the Han Dynasty. In the meantime, Zhuge Liang recovered Jiang Wei and taught him what he had learned all his life. Zhuge Liang eventually died from overwork in Wuzhangyuan.
Jiang Wei inherited Zhuge Liang's legacy and continued to fight Wei, but he was harmed by a confused traitor and fled to Langzhong. Wei took advantage of the civil strife in Shu and sent troops to attack, but the Lord of Shu surrendered without fighting and perished. Jiang Wei was seriously injured under the siege of Si Mazhao and drew his sword to commit suicide.
After Wu Dong's death, civil strife broke out in Sun Quan. Sun Liang, the ruler of the State of Wu, was deposed by Sun Lin, who monopolized all power, and Sun Xiu became the emperor. Sun Xiu joined hands with veteran Ding Feng to get rid of Sun Lin and regain power, but Soochow has also shown a trend towards river of no return.
After Cao Rui's death, Cao Fang succeeded to the throne, and Sima Yi took over the relieving from Cao Shuang. After Cao Fang was abolished, the Sima brothers made Cao Mao emperor, and Si Mazhao, the son of Sima Yi, monopolized the power. The son of Si Mazhao usurped the throne and changed his title to Jin, and Wei died. Wu was finally destroyed by the Western Jin Dynasty.
"The general trend of the world, divided for a long time, divided for a long time", the Hundred Years' War finally came to an end here, and the Western Jin Dynasty opened another unified situation in China's history.