Confucius said: "This kind of person who is full of rhetoric and smiles is rarely benevolent." 3. Zeng Zitao: "I saved three times a day and was unfaithful to others." Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? Ceng Zi said: "I have to reflect on myself many times every day: Is it loyal to give advice and help others? Are friends trustworthy? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? "4. Confucius said:" A gentleman doesn't think about eating enough and being safe. If he is sensitive and cautious, he will be correct and upright, which can be said to be studious. "
Confucius said, "A gentleman doesn't want to be full of food, but lives comfortably, moves sensitively, speaks carefully, and makes mistakes when times change, even if he is eager to learn." 5. Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from people's ignorance, you don't know people."
Confucius said, "I'm not afraid that people don't know each other, but I'm afraid that I don't know anyone." 6. Confucius said, "Poetry costs 300 yuan. In a word, Confucius said,' Think innocently.
Confucius said: "The 300 (05) poems in the Book of Songs can be summarized in one sentence, that is,' thinking innocently'. 7. Confucius said: "Nine times out of ten, I am determined to learn, stand at 30, not confused at 40, know my destiny at 50, listen to my ears at 60, and do what I want at 70, without exceeding the moment."
Confucius said: "I am fifteen years old and interested in learning;" At the age of thirty, I was sure of everything I said and did. Forty years old, (mastered all kinds of knowledge,) not confused; At the age of fifty, I learned my fate; At the age of 60, when you listen to others, you can distinguish between true and false and judge right and wrong; At the age of 70, you will do whatever you want, and any idea will not go beyond the rules. "8. Confucius said:" Reviewing the past and learning new things can be a teacher. "
Confucius said, "You can learn new things by reviewing old ones, so you can be a teacher." 9. Confucius said, "A gentleman is not as good as a week, and a villain is not as good as a week."
Confucius said, "A gentleman is harmonious without collusion, while a villain is harmonious without alliance." 10, Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous."
Confucius said: "if you don't think deeply when reading, the more you learn, the more confused you become;" Thinking without reading is nothing. " 1 1, Confucius said, "Let's teach women to know! Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. "
Confucius said, "Zhong You, teach you the attitude of knowing and not knowing!" What you know is what you know and what you don't know is what you don't know. This attitude is wise. 12, Confucius said: "People don't believe, they don't know what they can do. "
Confucius said, "What can people do without faith? 13, Confucius said to Ji: "The court dance can be tolerated, why not?" Confucius said Ji: "He danced in his ancestral temple with the dance lineup of the Emperor of Heaven. Such a thing can be tolerated, but what can't be tolerated? "14, Confucius said:" Guanluo ",happy without lewdness, sad without injury." Confucius said: "The theme of Guan Ju is to be happy but not too much, sad but not sad."
15, Confucius said: "Don't say what you do, don't say what you say, let bygones be bygones." Confucius said, "Don't comment on the past, don't talk about what has been done, and don't blame the past."
16, Confucius said, "He who listens to the Tao dies in the evening." Confucius said, "It's worthwhile to know the truth and die at night."
17, Confucius said: "A gentleman is righteous and a villain is beneficial." Confucius said, "A gentleman knows righteousness, but a villain knows self-interest."
18, Confucius said: "See the sage Si Qi Yan, see the sage and introspect." Confucius said: "when you meet a saint, you should respect him;" When you see a person who is not virtuous, you should reflect on yourself. "
19, Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, and the wall of dung cannot be broken. What is the punishment? " Confucius said, "You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't draw a wall of dirt. What can I do with it? " 20. Confucius said, "Being quick and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions, is called' Wen'." Confucius said, "I am sensitive and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask people who are less knowledgeable than myself, so I call it' Wen'."
2 1, Ji Wenzi thinks twice before you act. Hearing this, Zi said, "Here we go again, not bad."
22, Confucius said: "Ning my son, the state is wise, and the country is stupid without Tao. Its wisdom can be reached, but it is stupid. "
Confucius said: "Ning Wuzi, if the country is too peaceful, it will be smart, and if the country is chaotic, it will be stupid. His cleverness can catch up, and his stupidity can't catch up with others. "
23. Confucius said: "Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality. Gentleness is a gentleman. "
Confucius said: "A person's inner simplicity is better than his external literary talent, which will be rude, and literary talent will be flashy if it is better than simplicity. The proper combination of literary talent and simplicity is a gentleman. "
24. Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy." Confucius said, "If you know it, you will be happy, and if you are happy, you will be happy."
25. Confucius said: "Wise people enjoy water, while benevolent people enjoy Leshan; Wise people move, benevolent people are quiet; Wise people are happy, and benevolent people live. " Confucius said: "Wise people like water, while benevolent people like mountains;" Smart people are active, kind people are quiet; Wise people are happy, and kind people live long. "
26. Confucius said, "What's the use of learning silently, never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching?" Confucius said: "rote memorization of knowledge is not enough for reading;" I don't feel tired when teaching. What have I done in these three aspects? "27. Confucius said," No anger, no anger, no anger, no anger, no anger. "Confucius said," Don't inspire until he ponders; "Don't enlighten me until I feel speechless.
If you can't give an example to understand three similar problems, don't teach him again. "28th, the child in the smell of shao, I don't know March meat.
Yue: "If you don't want to be happy, be happy." Confucius listened to little music in the state of Qi, but he didn't feel the taste after eating meat for a long time.
He said, "I didn't expect good music to be so charming." 29. Lord Ye asked Confucius about Luz, but Luz was wrong.
Confucius said, "Don't be ridiculous.
2. Qufu Confucius Temple related famous sentence 1, the way of virtue and heaven runs through ancient and modern times.
-Qufu: Confucius Temple
2. What is holy and what is written is not here.
-Qufu: Confucius Temple
3, Surabaya articles Zhao Riyue Xingtan ceremony Guan Huayi
-Qufu: Apricot altar in Confucius Temple
The popularization of culture and education has turned this talent into Luo.
—— Jiangyin: Zhang Zhou's title is Ming Lun Hall of Confucius Temple.
5, the most sacred and boundless, there are no weeds in the world.
-Li Kuchan, a famous painter of Confucius Temple in Nagasaki, China, personally wrote couplets.
6. The water in the lotus pond is bright and straight, and the semi-flat mountain in Surabaya is as beautiful as Nishan.
—— Taiwan Province Province: Kaohsiung Confucius Temple
7. Tokuda is well versed in ancient and modern ancestors' narration of Yao and Shun Charter.
—— Qufu: Kuiwen Pavilion of Confucius Temple
8. Virtue and Taoism in Heaven, Earth and Ancient Times
-Henan Zhengzhou Confucius Temple Alliance
9. Xu Shao, Yang Wen, Dashi, Xiaoshi, Sichuan and Chongqing, taught rites and learned poetry.
—— Qufu: Confucius Temple Poetry Auditorium with Qianlong Title
10. Visit the Confucius Temple in Sankong Confucius House and enjoy the sacred land of sages.
-Qufu: Confucius Temple
1 1, Cheng Chunqiu's praise and criticism of Yan Fu left Zhu Si with a fragrant smell of beans.
-Qufu: Confucius Temple
12, rising from the ground, proudly lying in the sky, Daizong, and other mountains are short under the sky. Carving beams and painting buildings, dominating Confucius Temple, Wan Chuanqun and sages.
-Qufu: Confucius Temple
13, the Senate selflessly cultivated the Six Classics when it was able, but it did not go beyond the scope of teaching etiquette.
—— Tainan City: Confucius Temple
3. Four aspects of knowledge about Confucius Temple, Confucius Temple, Confucius Temple, Confucius Temple, Confucius Holy House and the place where Confucius descendants live. Historically, descendants of Confucius were called "Duke of Feast".
As the western neighbor of the Confucius Temple, the Confucius House is quite large, and it is the largest mansion in China after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Confucius House, formerly known as Duke House of Feast, is located in the east of Confucius Temple in Qufu City.
It is the official and private residence of feast dukes in past dynasties. It was built in the first year of Bao (A.D. 1038).
It is the noble residence of China, second only to the Forbidden City, and is known as "the best in the world". Confucius House covers an area of more than 200 mu, with 463 halls and 9 courtyards. The layout is divided into three roads: East Road is the seat of ancestral temple, including newspaper office and pottery temple. West Road is the place where the Duke of Feast once studied, studied poetry, recited and received visitors. There are a Chinese book hall and an Huai hall, and the north and south flower halls are the rooms of ordinary guests. The middle road is the main part of Confucius. It used to be a government office with three halls, six halls and four yamen, namely Gouhu, Baihu, Kongting and Qufu County.
The house is in the back, and finally the Confucius Garden. Confucius House is a typical aristocratic manor in China feudal society.
Covering an area of more than 240 mu, there are 463 buildings such as halls, halls, buildings and pavilions, which are divided into three roads: China, East and West. East Road is the home temple, West Road is the academy and Middle Road is the main building.
The west road is the living room courtyard, the east road is the family temple, and the middle road is divided into two parts, the former is the official residence and the latter is the residence. It is a classical building integrating official residence, family temple and living room. The official's son has three halls, six halls and four yamen.
The inner hall, including the front building, the front hall building and the back hall building, is the place where the duke's family activities are feasted. Until now, you can still see the luxurious furnishings and daily necessities of the 76th generation feast duke and Kong Decheng, the grandson of Confucius, in Taiwan Province. Located at the south gate of Qufu City, Shandong Province, the Confucius Temple is the first temple dedicated to Confucius. It was built in 478 BC, with the former residence of Confucius as the temple and the specifications of the imperial palace. It is one of the three ancient buildings in China and occupies an important position in the history of world architecture.
In addition, there are Confucius temples in Fuzhou, Beijing, Quzhou and Deyang. Temple [1] (Temple) is located at116 58' 30 "-35 36' 42" north latitude.
Confucius Temple in Qufu is a temple dedicated to Confucius. It is the first and model of more than 2,000 Confucius temples in China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, the United States and other countries. It is said that the Confucius Temple was built in 478 BC, and the year after the death of Confucius (478 BC), Lu Aigong converted its old residence into a temple. Since then, successive emperors have continuously sealed Confucius and expanded temples. In the Qing Dynasty, Yong Zhengdi ordered an overhaul and expanded it to a modern scale.
There are nine courtyards in the temple, which are divided into left, middle and right roads with the north-south axis, with a length of 630m and a width of 140m. There are more than 460 temples, halls, altars and pavilions, with 54 doorways. 13 "Imperial Monument Pavilion" has 65,438 buildings. Shengji Temple, Ming Tombs Pavilion and Dacheng Hall display a large number of stone inscriptions. In particular, the Han stele preserved here is the largest in China, and there are also many treasures in previous dynasties. The number of steles is second only to Xi 'an stele forest, which is called the second stele forest in China.
Confucius Temple is the existing ancient architectural complex in China, second only to the Forbidden City. It is one of the three ancient buildings in China, and it is a model of large-scale temple architecture in ancient China. Kong Lin, Kong Lin is a national key cultural relic protection unit, formerly known as Zhishenglin, and is the cemetery of Confucius and his family.
Kong Lin is the graveyard of Confucius and his descendants. Located in the north of Qufu, covering an area of more than 3,000 mu.
It is the largest, longest-lasting and most intact clan tombs and artificial gardens in China. Kong Lin is a national key cultural relics protection unit, formerly known as Zhishenglin, and is the cemetery of Confucius and his family.
After Confucius died, his disciples buried him in Surabaya in the north of Lucheng. At that time, it was still a "tomb, not a grave" (there was no high soil uplift). During the Qin and Han Dynasties, although tombs were built very high, there were few cemeteries and only a few forest guards. Later, with the improvement of Confucius' status, the scale of Kong Lin became larger and larger.
Confucius Cemetery is a national key cultural relics protection unit, formerly known as Zhi Lin Sheng, and it is the cemetery of Confucius and his family. After Confucius died, his disciples buried him in Surabaya, north of Qufu. At that time, it was still a "tomb, not a grave" (there was no high soil uplift).
During the Qin and Han Dynasties, although tombs were built very high, there were few cemeteries and only a few forest guards. Later, with the improvement of Confucius' status, the scale of Kong Lin became larger and larger. Emperor Huan of the Eastern Han Dynasty lived forever for three years (A.D. 157). Lu Hao repaired the tomb of Confucius Temple, built a sacred gate in front of the tomb, built a vegetarian village in the southeast, and swept several households in Wu primary school. At that time, Kong Lin was "only one hectare".
It was not until the Southern and Northern Dynasties that 600 trees were planted. During Song Xuanhe's reign, stone utensils were built in front of Confucius' tomb.
Kong Lin is located 2 kilometers north of Qufu County. It is the largest, longest-lasting and most intact clan tombs and artificial gardens in China. The forest walls are all made of gray bricks, three or four meters high and 7.3 kilometers long, covering an area of 3,000 mu. The ancient trees in the wall are towering and the forest is deep. According to legend, Confucius' disciples planted trees in the forest of their hometown, so there are many kinds of trees.
There are countless graves, stone tablets and stone ants in the forest. Besides the tombs and buildings of Confucius, Kong Li and Kong Ji, there are also the tombs of Kong Lingyi, Kong, Kong Wenshao and Kong. In addition to a number of famous Han Dynasty stone tablets being moved into Confucius Temple, there are inscriptions by great calligraphers of past dynasties such as Li Dongyang, Yan Song, Weng Fanggang, He, Kang Youwei, etc., so it has the reputation of forest of steles and is a treasure house of calligraphy art.
Confucius' famous aphorism 1 Learn while learning. Be sensitive to what you say. 3. Learning without thinking is useless. It is dangerous to think without learning. 4. People who don't believe or know what they can do. 5. Speak slowly, but be sensitive to what they can do. 6. Germany is not alone, but there must be neighbors. 7. Listen to what they say and see what they do. 8. Sensitive and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions. 9. So this gentleman 10. Stay away from ghosts and gods 1 1. There have been people who want to stand up, and there have been people who want to get in touch with people 12. In ancient times 13. Learn silently, never tire of learning and never tire of teaching 14. Ill-gotten wealth. I don't know that the old age is approaching 16. There must be a teacher in a threesome. An upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried. It is 18. You will know when it is cold, and the pine and cypress will wither after 19. The knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, and the brave is not afraid. 20. Without faith, people can't stand. . .
4. The sentence describing the Confucius Temple, namely the Confucius Temple, also known as the Composition Temple, is a temple building built to commemorate Confucius, a great thinker and educator in China. It is found all over China, especially in the name of Confucian Temple, which is also called Confucian Temple, Confucius Temple, Taishang Temple, Xiansheng Temple and Wenxuan King Temple. Among them, Nanjing Confucius Temple, Qufu Confucius Temple, Beijing Confucius Temple and Jilin Confucius Temple are also called the four major Confucius Temples in China. China, North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, the United States and other countries have more than 2,000 Confucius temples, and China has more than 1600. At present, there are only over 300 well-preserved Confucius temples in China, and 2 1 temple is listed as a national key cultural relic protection unit.
Because of the important role of Confucianism founded by Confucius in maintaining culture, Confucius Temple was valued by ancient emperors.
Its large number, high regulation and exquisite architectural technology and art are the most prominent types of ancient architecture in China and an extremely important part of our ancient cultural heritage.
5. What are the poems on the tablet of Confucius Temple?
Wan Ren saw that the palace wall was high and the beauty was hidden in the wall of wealth;
Millennium is still Zigong language, but visiting its door requires going to court.
-Wan Ren Palace Wall.
(the second song)
There is no shortage of incense in Heyuan Hekou ancestral temple.
Dragon column Xuanwei celebrates the jade head, apricot altar is better than Tianqi.
When the stars are reincarnated and fairy tales are passed on, the stone workshop is flourishing and determined to become a saint.
Quietly caress the turtle and cry, and learn from the teacher after two thousand years.
-Confucius Temple
(The third song)
The first gate of the wall of Confucius, surrounded by five clouds, surrounds the soul of China;
When time is sacred, those who keep pace with the times will grow into a new global village.
-Sacred Gate
(the fourth song)
Ancient civilization is great, jade is accompanied by golden sound;
It's not far from the door to the hall, and there are lines on the road.
(the fifth song)
Duke of Zhou sealed Lu Kong's family, and who sacrificed Shao Hao's tomb?
The dignity and shame of the royal family, the rich will not let white into the Forbidden City.
Sun Tzu was rich and famous before his death, while Confucius was poor and famous.
Welcome Christmas Mid-Autumn Festival, ordinary lanes hang lights. Du Zhi
-Confucius' house
(the sixth song)
On the door, it was said that Hongdao was ringing the bell, and it was faint;
Whoever knows the owner's will has a treasure in his bag.
-Red Gate
(the seventh song)
Shinto Xu Hanghuai, corner ancient pavilion.
Our spring spans 3,000 mu, and there are 100,000 monuments in maple and oak trees.
With the encouragement of Takazuka for many years, the Confucian style is tamed day by day.
Several people paid tribute to the teacher's intentions, and their eyes were full of sightseeing.
-Kong Lin
(the eighth song)
Who is yelling at this door? This door is open for adults;
There are thousands of beautiful civilizations, and the wonderful scenery is inseparable and harmonious.
-Dazhong Gate
(ninth place)
The same door, self-love, knowing words and knowing each other;
I like the teacher to go out and teach him to read European and American elegant music.
-Tongwen Gate
For reference.