Wang Xizhi thinks that raising geese can not only cultivate sentiment, but also comprehend the truth of calligraphy from some gestures of geese. One morning, Wang Xizhi and his son Wang Xianzhi took a boat tour of Shaoxing. When they arrived near Xianshui Village, they saw a flock of white geese on the shore, staggering and dawdling. Wang Xizhi was fascinated by these white geese and wanted to buy them home. Wang Xizhi asked the Taoist priest nearby, hoping that the Taoist priest could sell him the goose. The Taoist priest said, "If the right army adults want it, please write a Taoist health book" Huang Ting Jing "for me! Wang Xizhi longed for geese and readily agreed to the conditions put forward by the Taoist priest. This is the story of "Wang Xizhi gave the White Goose Book".
Second, Liu Gongquan practiced calligraphy hard.
One day, Liu Gongquan and several friends held a "reading club". At this time, an old man selling tofu saw his handwriting, "I can write about Feng Fei's family background and dare to boast in front of people." He felt that the child was too proud and frowned and said, "This word is not well written, just like my tofu, it is soft, flat and spineless. Is it worth boasting in front of people? " Hearing this, Hsiao Kung chuan said unhappily, "Write some words for me if you can."
The old man smiled heartily and said, "No, I dare not. I am a clown and can't write well. " However, some people write with their feet much better than you! If you don't believe me, go to Huajing. "
The next day, Xiao Gongquan got a vigil and went to Huajing alone. As soon as he entered the capital of China, he saw many people gathered around a big pagoda tree. He squeezed into the crowd and saw a black and thin old man, without arms and barefoot, sitting on the ground, his left foot pressing paper, his right foot holding a pen, writing couplets freely, and his handwriting was like a galloping horse, while flying while flying, which won applause from the onlookers.
Xiao Gongquan plopped down on his knees in front of the old man and said, "I would like to worship you as a teacher, please tell me the secret of writing ..." The old man quickly pulled Xiao Gongquan up with his feet and said, "I am a lonely man, born without hands, and I can only live skillfully with my feet. How can I be a teacher? " Xiao Gongquan begged, and the old man spread a piece of paper on the ground and wrote a few words with his right foot: "Write eight jars of water, and the inkstone is dyed black;" When you win hundreds of parents, you will get a twins. "
Liu Gongquan kept the old man's words in mind and worked hard to practice calligraphy. Thick cocoons were ground on the hands and the elbows were patched layer by layer. After hard training, Liu Gongquan finally became a famous calligrapher in China.
Third, Zheng Banqiao studied calligraphy.
Zheng Banqiao, one of the Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou in Qing Dynasty, loved calligraphy since childhood. He copied the calligraphy styles of famous ancient calligraphers. After some hard work, he finally wrote something almost identical to his predecessors, and it can confuse people. But people don't appreciate his calligraphy very much, and he is in a hurry. He studies and practices harder than before.
One summer night, he and his wife were sitting outside enjoying the cool. He wrote on his thigh with his finger and on his wife. His wife hit his hand angrily and said, "You have your body, and I have my body. Why not write about your own body and write about other people's bodies? " When sleeping at night, Zheng Banqiao thought, everyone has his own body, and writing has his own font, which is different! Why do I always learn other people's fonts instead of writing my own style? Even if you learn the same as others, it's just someone else's font. What's the point without innovation and your own style? From then on, he learned from the strengths of various schools, combined official script with seal script, grass, lines and model letters, and used painting to write, and finally formed a "six books and a half" which was highly praised by people and often called "rocky pile", and became a famous painter and calligrapher with high reputation in Qing Dynasty.