, Jinyun’s Xiandu Peak can all be visited.” Yu Jin knows it. I mistakenly remembered that Xianyan was a convenience on my way home. I traveled ten miles by boat before asking the natives. He said: "There are different roads between the north and the south." The heart is missing [3]. When he arrived at Jinyun, he used the immortal capital to seek the governor of the city [4]. When he was in trouble, he said goodbye to the stream. Yu Sui decided not to travel. After traveling thirty miles, we stopped at Huangbitang. It was late in the day, and when I looked at the rows of tiled houses in Qian Village, I asked, "This is the Yu's Garden, where can I take a rest?" As he said, the owner of the garden came in to drink tea, and before he had time to say anything deep, he returned to the hotel. When he was about to undress and sleep, he heard the noise of people outside the door. Yu Shi Kunji said: "After we say goodbye, I saw the famous paper. Is this Mr. Yuan Taishi?" He said, "Yes." He held a candle and shined it up and down, and he said in shock. [5]: "When I was young, I read Mr. Wen. I thought that people from the early days of our country must be hundreds or tens of years old. Today, we are so radiant that we are the ancients resurrected. I would like to stay for a moment and accompany you to visit the immortal capital tomorrow." I didn't have time to answer. The young ones have their tents rolled up, the elders are holding the banquet, and the children have their luggage on their shoulders. The next day, the kitchen utensils, food, and ware carts were brought to Xiangyan. The stone cave is booming, and the knocking sound is answered. There is a small red cliff, a Ding Lake, grass, trees and flowers [7], which are unreachable. The battlements of Xianbang Rock are arranged horizontally[8], and hundreds of names can be written on them. The Yang Valley is gnawed by the stream, and there is no ladder to climb it. Only from a distance, there are Song Jiading Moya [9] and Wang Shipeng's poem [10] on the large square stones, which can be roughly recognized. Not a day later, he finished his tour of the immortal capital and stayed at the Yu family's house. laugh! This is a tour. If the Yu family is not in charge, you cannot travel to the immortal capital; if you are not invited by the subordinates, you will not go to the Yu family; if it is not Yan Wen, or it rains, then you will not go even if you are invited by the subordinates; If I don't have a name on paper [12], the Yu family will not know who I am. I should travel to the immortal capital, and the immortal capital should be visited for me. It is heaven, not a human being. However, the Immortal Rock is within easy reach and you can find it by accident. I have decided to give up the fairy capital, and I must not travel there, but I will get it by accident. Just a trip, it doesn't matter much, but the world's troubles are like this [13], how can it be compared to other things! I remember it urgently to show the wonders encountered by my ambitions and to express the Yu family's virtues of loving the virtuous. The owner's name is Yuan, whose courtesy name is Qishu. He is a descendant of Duke Shuixing of Tang Dynasty[14].
Notes: [1] Yandang: Yandang Mountain, located in the north of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. [2] Yongjia: The name of the ancient county, which is now the Wenzhou area. Xianyan: Located in the north of Ruian County, it is famous for its waterfalls and deep pools. Xianyan is in the south of Wenzhou, and Yuan Mei returned to the north, so there is a saying below about "different roads between the north and the south". [3] Queran: insufficient. [4] Yi Zai: Magistrate. [5]唶: sigh. [6] Zheyu Zhang: Interrupt the rest and prepare a banquet. [7] Huishe: "Liu Xihuishe" in Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu" in "Book of Han", Wang Xianqian's supplementary note says: "It's like breathing." [8] Battlements: City wall. This refers to the Xianbang Rock spread out like a city wall. [9] Jiading: Emperor Ningzong of the Song Dynasty (1208-1224). Moya: words carved on the cliff walls. [10] Wang Shipeng: courtesy name Guiling, from Yueqing. In the 27th year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty (1157), he became the number one scholar and became a bachelor of Longtuge. He is the author of "Meixi Collection". [11] Yan Wen: The weather is sunny and warm. [12] Raw paper: paper with rough texture. [13] Shu Wu: contradictory and contradictory. [14] Yongxing Gong: Yu Shinan, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, was born in Yuyao. He was named Yongxing Gong and died with the posthumous title Wenyi.
In the spring of the forty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign (1782), at the age of 67, Yuan Mei traveled south to Tiantai, Yandang and other scenic spots, and on his way back visited Jinyun Xiandu Peak, and wrote this note. The article begins with suspense: I intended to visit Xianyan Rock, but failed to do so; I made a special trip to visit Xiandu, but the county magistrate poured cold water on me, so my visit was uninteresting. He returned home. Unexpectedly, I suddenly met someone I didn't know, flowers bloomed on the willow bank, traveled to the mountains again, and made friends who have never forgotten their years. So Yuan Mei only used a hundred words to write about the scenery of Xiandu Peak, and focused on lamenting the "wonderful encounters" in life. The article changed from a travel note to a lyrical prose. Yuan Mei's article is so unexpected. Yuan Mei became famous very early, and the eight-legged essay he wrote when he was young was regarded as a model essay. Therefore, many people regard him as a peer with the Kangxi scholars. This is the case with Yu Yuan in this essay. An old man is naturally happy when encountering such a comedic misunderstanding; in contrast, the joy of landscape recedes, and the article is immersed in the joy of lamenting the unpredictable encounters in life. At the same time, Yuan Mei also wrote the poem "Four Poems for Jinyun, Yu, and Qishu Scholars", which records this period of Snow and Mud Hongzhao. In the preface, he also narrates in detail the encounter with Guo Yuyuan. The third line of the poem says: "I am famous as a lie from the ancients, saying that I will be over a hundred years old. Although Zixiao Yangxiu is still alive, when we meet, there is a lot of frost on the temples." It can be compared with what is written in this article. Xiandu Peak is located in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province.
It is located at the northern foot of Kuocang Mountain and the middle section of Haoxi River. It has beautiful mountains and rivers and shrouded clouds and mist. It is a famous scenic spot with Dinghu Peak, Niweng Cave, Furong Gorge and other scenic spots.