Since ancient times, good books, such as Han Wei Zhong and Zhang, were called two kings at the end of Jin Dynasty. Wang Xizhi said: "Looking for all the famous works, Zhong is unmatched, and the rest is not enough." It can be said that Zhong and Xian did not, but, Xian inherited. Another cloud said, "My book is like a clock, and the clock should resist or say. Cao Zhang is still a wild goose. However, Zhang is good at this, and the pool is full of ink, so if I am worried about this, I may not thank you. "This is the meaning of Zhong Tui. Test its professional knowledge, although it failed in the previous regulations; At the same time, you are not ashamed to do things.
The commentator said: "There are four saints among them, which are unique in ancient and modern times; Today, we can't catch the ancient, and the ancient quality is today. " Husband's quality is exchanged for glory, and beauty is changed by customs. Although the book is written, it is suitable for memorizing words; However, when spring moves, the quality changes, the evolution of red meaning and the smoothness of physics change. When you could be naughty, today is different. The so-called "gentleness". Then a gentleman. "Why should it be easy to carve palaces on acupoints, but it is not easy to carve jade on chakras! Another cloud says, "The respect of sons is not as good as ease, and ease is not as good as Zhong Zhang. "The Italian thought his discipline was evaluated, but he didn't explain his beginning and end. And Yuan Chang specializes in official script, and Boying is especially good at cursive script, which is both beautiful and relaxed. Imitation of grass is more real and longer than truth. Although it is specialized in small and inferior, it involves many advantages. In the end, bandits are not good to each other.
As for those who are good at calligraphy from ancient times to the present, during the Han and Wei Dynasties, the calligraphy level of Zhong You and Zhang Zhi was very high, and in the late Jin Dynasty, the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi was also superb. Wang Xizhi said: "I have been studying the calligraphy of famous artists recently. Zhong You and Zhang Zhi are really superb, and the rest are not worth seeing. " It can be said that after the death of Zhong You and Zhang Zhi, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi inherited them. Wang Xizhi added, "Compared with Zhong You and Zhang Zhi, my calligraphy is comparable to or slightly better than that of Zhong You. Zhang Zhi's cursive script can be compared with his before and after; Because Zhang Zhi is good at research and study, he can dye all the water in the pond. If I study as hard as he does, I may not catch up with him. " This is to recommend Zhang Zhi, thinking that he surpasses Zhong You. Looking at Wang Xizhi's father and son's specialization in calligraphy, although they did not fully understand the testimonies of their predecessors, they could learn from various calligraphy styles, which is worthy of being a calligraphy career.
Calligraphy critics said: "These four outstanding calligraphy masters are unique in ancient and modern times. However, today's people (two kings) are not as simple as the ancients (Zhong and Zhang), and today's calligraphy style is charming. " However, simple fashion rises with the development of the times, and elegant and charming styles become easier with the secular changes. Although writing was originally created only to record language, with the development of the times, the style of books will continue to migrate, from mellow to light, from simple to gorgeous; Inheriting the former, innovation is the routine of all things. The most valuable thing about calligraphy is that it can not only inherit the traditions of past dynasties, but also not deviate from the trend of the times; You can pursue the current fashion and don't confuse other people's bad habits. The so-called "combination of literary talent and simplicity is the style." Why idle gorgeous palaces to live in caves of the ancients and abandon exquisite treasures to ride primitive ox carts? Critics also said: "The calligraphy presented is not as good as Xihe, just as Xihe is not as good as Zhong You and Zhang Zhi." I think this has commented on the main points of the problem, but it has not been able to tell the whole story in detail. Zhong You is good at regular script and Zhang Zhi is proficient in cursive script. Wang Xizhi has both. Compared with Zhang Zhi's cursive script king, Zhang Zhi is also good at regular script, while compared with Zhong You's regular script king, he is good at cursive script. Although his specialization is a little poor, Wang Xizhi can dabble extensively and learn from others. Generally speaking, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Xie is good at writing letters, but he was highly praised by young people as soon as he published a book. Amethyst tried to write a good book with it, saying that it must be saved and recorded, and then answered after answering questions, which was very hateful. An Chang asked Jing, "How is Qing Shu like the right army?" Answer the cloud: "So win." An yun: "The theory of matter is different." Amethyst replied: "When people know!" Respect for rights. It's not too much to belittle Ann's lesson with this kind of speech and claim to win Dad! He has won a name for himself, and he has stood out from his mother. He's never been involved. I respect my son's generosity, and I admire the handwriting of the right army. Although complicated and rough, I'm afraid it won't succeed. The situation is to pretend to be immortal and be ashamed of worshipping home. It is even more difficult to learn from this! After I went to the capital Xi, I left the title wall. The son respects the secret and wipes it out. The book is changeable and private is not evil. When Xi came back, he sighed and said, "I was really drunk when I went!" " "Respect is a shame. If you know less than Zhong Zhang, you will specialize in Bose. There is no doubt that Amethyst is inferior to Shao Yi.
Xie An has always been good at writing letters, but he despises Wang Xianzhi's calligraphy. Dedication once carefully wrote a sentence to Xie An, only to be returned by the other party with comments, which made Dedication very disgusted. When we met later, Xie An asked Xian, "What do you think of your handwriting compared with your father's?" Answer: "Of course more than him." Xie An added: "Other people's comments are not like this." Dedicated answer: "Where do ordinary people know!" Although Wang Xianzhi used such words to cope with the past, he claimed to be better than his father. Isn't that too much? Moreover, it is also a kind of filial piety for a person to start a business and become famous in the world, and at the same time let his parents get honor. (The following is a story in the Book of Filial Piety. ) Zeng Shen saw an alley called "Shengmu" and refused to go in. It is understood that the brushwork of worshipping it is inherited from Xihe. Although he learned some rules in general, he didn't learn all his father's achievements. What's more, teaching is a gift from the gods, and it is shameful to advocate family education. What is the difference between learning calligraphy with this ideology and looking at it from the wall? Once Wang Xizhi went to Kyoto and wrote a sentence on the wall before he left. After I left, I quietly erased it and wrote my own words, which I thought was good. Happy to go home, see it, sigh: "I was really drunk when I left." I feel very embarrassed. Here. Therefore, compared with Zhong You and Zhang Zhi, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has only the difference between specialization and generalization. There is no doubt that Wang Xianzhi is inferior to Wang Xizhi.
During the years, he paid attention to calligraphy, but he didn't know Zhang's extra strength. He provided the previous rules and paid great attention to specialization, which lasted for more than two years. Have the ability to be a good child, and have no ambition to get the moon first. Seeing the difference between the husband's needles and the dew, the wonder of rushing to the rocks, the horror of flying animals, the state of dancing snakes, the trend of landing on the shore, and the shape of being in danger; Or as heavy as a cloud or as light as a cicada; Guide the spring, the mountain will be safe; It is like a cliff in the first month, and it is like a river among the stars; With the beauty of nature, you can't force it; Faith can be said to be smart and excellent, with a smooth heart and hands and a sincere heart. There must be a reason. Between a painting, it changes in Feng Yu; At a little bit, this is very frustrating. Kuang Yun accumulated his stippling and became his character. I used to look at my feet and calves and lean over inch by inch; Quote Ban Chao's words, aid Ji Xiang, and be complacent; Take any pen as the body and gather ink; It is not absurd to ask for the beauty of the side that is weak in the heart and effective in the hand.
When I was a teenager, I paid attention to learning calligraphy, experienced the spirit of Zhong You and Zhang Zhi's works, imitated the writing norms of harmony and dedication, and tried my best to think about the profound know-how. In the past 20 years, I have never stopped my ambition to learn calligraphy, although I lack the ability to master it. Observe the hanging needle-like variation in brushwork, the grandeur like thunder and falling rocks, the extraordinary posture of flying animals, the posture of dancing snakes, the momentum like cliffs and dangerous peaks, and the scene of being ordered in danger; Some are as heavy as clouds, and some are as light as golden cicadas; The pen gesture is like a flowing spring, as steady as a mountain. Slender as the rising crescent moon, scattered as the stars in the Milky Way; Exquisite calligraphy is like a magical spectacle formed by nature, and it seems to have entered a wonderful realm that human beings can never reach. It is indeed the perfect combination of wisdom and skill, which makes the heart and hands harmonious and smooth; Pen and ink do not move in vain, and tissue paper must be organized. In a painting, the strokes are fluctuating; At one point, make millimo turn around. It should be noted that only by practicing beautiful stippling can you write well. If you don't concentrate on observing copybooks, you should work hard. Take the story of Ban Chao's joining the army as an excuse and the story of Xiang Yu's unwillingness to learn books as an excuse. Let the letter and pen be the body and gather ink at will; I don't know how to copy the effect at all, and I don't know the law of writing with my wrist. I want to write beautifully, too Isn't that ridiculous?