Why did Li Bai and Wang Changling both write "I heard that Wang Changling moved to the left, and Long Biaoyao had this letter?"

Yang Guifei's three sisters have all become wives of the country, and their status is very high. They are all in the world. Yang Zhao, the cousin of Yang Guifei, is good at spying on Xuanzong's wishes and welcoming him, so she is fortunate to grow up. The Shi Zhongshan Grottoes in Jianchuan, Yunnan Province were excavated about that year. Wang Changling, 58 years old, was accused of "careless behavior" and was appointed as a captain of Long Biao (now Qiancheng). When Li Bai returned to Jinling, he met Wang Changling, so he wrote "I heard that Wang Changling moved the Longbiao kiln to the left" and gave it to him: "Young flowers are crying, and I heard that Longdu has crossed five streams. I am worried about the bright moon, and I will go to Yelangxi with the wind. "

I heard that Wang Changling left and moved to Longbiaoyao to deliver this.

After the easy autumn, cuckoo clock, I heard you pass five streams.

I entrust my sad thoughts to the moon, hoping to accompany you to the west of Yelang.

The whole poem chooses images such as flowers, rules, bright moon and wind. Weaving a hazy dream with strange imagination. Although it does not trace back to the past scenes and friendship with friends, it expresses friendship sincerely and touching through the description of the scenery.