On the deathbed of the emperor, Zhen Xuan accompanied him alone and told the emperor all the truth. The emperor died of rage. Zhen Xuan visited the Queen at the abandoned Ren Jing Palace for the last time.
The queen thought she could still be the empress dowager. I didn't expect Zhen Xuan to tell her that the late emperor would never see him again before he died, and she would be the queen for life. I owe my life to the queen, and she died alone in despair the next day.
Introduction to the queen:
15 years old, worked as a slave for Fang Fujin. His son died at the age of three and was crowned queen at the age of 43. On the surface, she is gentle and virtuous, gentle and generous, but in fact, she is very scheming. She's best at killing people by using the knife and sitting quietly.
His handwriting is very good, but he can write with both hands. He practices calligraphy and meditates every time he encounters troubles. I know a lot about medicine and don't like burning incense. Although she couldn't get the love of Yongzheng, she loved Yongzheng all her life and ended up miserable because of her sin.