By this time, the emperor of Soochow was already Sun Hao, the grandson of Sun Quan 2, and the state affairs of Soochow declined. In order to maintain his rule, Sun Hao found a god, Han, to dance in public and tell what he had discussed with his counselor in advance to deceive the masses. Shen Han said: May God bless Wu Dong, and Wu Dong will soon prosper and unify the Central Plains. Create a public opinion that "the destiny will always be realized." The prophecy is that a person jumps into God and pretends to be possessed by God. At that time, what the jumping god said made the audience believe it and played a role in deceiving the masses.
In order to deceive more people, Wu Hao ordered people to carve the prophecy of the Great God on a stone tablet, and established Jianye, the capital of Wu State, which is now Nanjing. After the downfall of Wu, this stone tablet was knocked down. This stone tablet was carved under the pretence that it was an Oracle, so it is also called the Oracle (pronounced Chen) tablet. Recently, people found a well-preserved inscription of the heavenly hair god. This rubbing is of great value to the study of history and calligraphy. It also has archaeological value.
Wu Tianxi Jigong Monument and Three Kingdoms Wudong Stone Carving. Because Sun Hao, the late emperor of Wu Dong, in order to maintain his rule, created the public opinion that "the destiny always belongs to Dawu", pretending that it was carved by the gods from the sky, so it was also called the monument to the gods. Perfect seal script. Engraved 2 1 line with 224 words. Because the stone is broken into three sections, it is commonly known as the "Three-Section Monument" and "Three-Strike Monument" (once carved on the Three-Section Monument), which is one of the famous monuments in Si Wu.
In 276, the last emperor, Sun Hao, created a public opinion that "the destiny belongs to Dawu forever", pretending that it was carved by heaven. The seal script is square, with the meaning of official script and vigorous brushwork. Legend has it that it was written by Dongguan calligrapher Ling Hua and written by Huang Xiang. The original stone stands on the broken stone mountain in Yanshan, south of Jianye City. After several migrations, it was placed in Zunjing Pavilion in Gong Xue (now Confucius Temple) in Shangjiang County. The tenth year of Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty (1805) was destroyed by fire. There are still inscriptions in the west wall of Jiaqian Building in Xuyuan in the late Qing Dynasty.