Fang Xinru, named Furuo, was a soldier in Xinghua. There is Juncai, but he is not good at writing. Zhou Bida and Yang Wanli will see it differently. With his father Song Qingyin, he supplemented the Panyu County Lieutenant. The thieves robbed Haijia, and Xinru captured them. The thieves gathered the sand and divided the harvest. They were frightened and wanted to rush to the boat.
Han Zhouzhou launched a restoration plan, and the generals joined the army and provoked endless conflicts. The imperial court regretted that the Jin people were tired of fighting, so they sent Han Yuanliang as an envoy, and the governor's office also sent strong men to leave letters to the enemy, but they could not get the point. The nearby ministers recommended Ru Ke as an envoy, and he was summoned from Xiaoshan Cheng to the capital to order him to work. Xinru said: "I provoke myself. The Jin people asked me about the leader's plan. How should I answer it?" He pretended to be a minister of the imperial court and the Privy Council to examine the text, and acted as a staff officer of the Privy Council. He held a general inquiry from the Marshal's Mansion of the Kingdom of Jin with Zhang Yanshu, the commander-in-chief.
When they arrived in Haozhou, Jin Shuaihe and Shi Lieziren were put in prison and guarded with their swords exposed. They cut off their salary and ordered five things. Xinru said: "It's okay to fight against the prisoners and return the coins. It is unprecedented in ancient times to send the leader's plan. Calling him a vassal and ceding territory is not something that a minister can tolerate." Ziren said angrily: "What if you don't hope to survive?" Xinru said. Ru said: "When I was ordered to leave the country, I had already put my life and death aside."
When I arrived in Bian, I saw Wanyan Zonghao, the prime minister of Jin Zuo and the marshal of the capital. Zong Hao sent his generals to come, insisting on the five theories, and said: "Calling a vassal and ceding territory have their own stories." Story? Not only the ministers dare not speak about this, but the government also dares not to report it. Please meet with the Prime Minister to decide." Zong Haofang came forward and Chen Bing saw him and said, "Five things. If you don't obey, the troops will go south." Xinru made many mistakes in his arguments. Zong Hao scolded him and said, "Why did you raise an army the day before yesterday and ask for peace today?" Xin Ru said, "In order to raise an army the day before yesterday, it was for the sake of the country. Today, I surrendered myself and asked for peace, for the sake of the living beings." Zong Hao couldn't question him, so he gave him the reward. The book said: "Peace and war will be decided again as soon as possible."
Xin Ru returned, and he ordered his attendants, two provinces, and Taiwan admonishers to discuss his return. After everyone's discussion, he was captured, and the chief culprit conspired. He was given an additional fifty thousand coins, and Xin Ru was sent back. At that time, Wu Xi had been executed, and Jin was not very popular, but he still held on to the initial discussion. Xinru said: "This dynasty calls increasing coins a humiliation, how about the division of names and boundaries? Let's correct it with a straight line. This dynasty raised troops in April last year. If a letter was sent to lure Wu Xi, it would have been in March last year. In terms of strength and weakness, if I win Chu and Hao, I will also win Si and Lianshui. If I praise the victory of Xupu Bridge, I will also win the victory of Fenghuang Mountain. Can He and Chu Guo go down? The third of the five things has been followed, but I still don't listen. I just want to fight again."
The Jin people saw that Xin Ru was loyal and sincere, so he said: "I want to cede the land. If you want to go to bed, but you don't want to accept the title of vassal, you should regard your uncle as your uncle, and you can't reward your master with more than a year's worth of money. "Xinru was stubborn and refused. Zong Hao had no idea, so he made a secret agreement. After returning his orders, he sent Tong Xie as the staff officer of the Guoxin Institute, and arrived in Bian with the oath of national oath and the promise of Tong Xie's millions of coins. Before Zong Hao changed his mind, he said that he was angry and convinced that Ru would not confess in a roundabout way, but suddenly came with an oath, which contained the words "kill, kill and imprison". Xinru did not move, and the general said: "This matter is not about giving money to the army." Don't get into trouble. Xin Ru said: "The annual coins cannot be increased any more, so I will use the money as a token of gratitude. Now that I have obtained this and asked for the other, I have only lost my head." The general said, "No, the prime minister wants to keep the Duke." Xin Ru said: " If you stay here and die, you will die in disgrace. It is better to die here. "The soldiers of Hui Shu took Sanguan, and the Jin people became more suspicious.
Xinru returned and said: "The enemy wants five things: cut off two rivers and one, increase the age of two coins, reward the army three, ask for the return of Zheng and others four, and the fifth is afraid to say anything." Zhou Zhou asked again and again, and finally questioned him sternly. Xinru Xu said, "I want to be the master of the throne." Zhou Zhou was furious, took away the third rank, and lived in Linjiang Army.
From spring to autumn, Xinru sent Jin San back and forth, defeating powerful enemies with words and words. Wang Nan has been sent as an envoy, negotiated a peace agreement, added coins, and sent a letter, all of which are beyond the reach of the former letter child. Nanbai Temple Hall: "When Xinru defends and defeats the enemy chief before he can tell his strong opinion, Xinru takes it as difficult and Nan takes it as easy. Whenever Nan sees him, the Jin people will ask where Xinru is. It is generally accepted that even though the enemy is You can't hide it." He ordered Xin Ru to do what he wanted.
In search of Shaozhou, he moved to Huaidong to be transferred to a judge and sentenced. Zhizhenzhou is built with stone embankments in the north mountain, which is short of water. It covers an area of ??20 miles, and no one knows what it does. Bo Yizhen, a member of the Later Jin Dynasty, sent the defenders through the water shortage to repel the enemy, and the city was completely captured.
At the beginning of Shandong, Xin Ru said: "A hero cannot control in vain, and a warrior cannot suppress a weak one. It is better to choose a minister with great prestige and tens of thousands of elite soldiers to open up Shandong. Use the master to control the guests, and use the heavy to control the light. Then you can cover Shandong. It is located in the north of the Yangtze River, but the two rivers are in my sight. "He was demoted to the third rank, and then he was enshrined in the temple, and he was reinstated.
Xinru has a generous nature and spends money like dung. Every time he arrives, the car is full of guests. When he was sent to the north, his annual wealth would be thirty. After the discord, he returned home and camped in a cave in the cave, where he poured out his poems and wine. When the inheritance is exhausted, the guests gradually disappear, and the trustworthy children also die. According to the "History of the Song Dynasty": In the third year of Kaixi of Ningzong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1206), Fang Xinyu, who was only 30 years old and was the Prime Minister of Xiaoshan County, Zhejiang Province, was ordered to go to the Jin Kingdom to negotiate a "peace" at a time of national crisis. thing. Fang Xinru was full of strategy, courageous, and eloquent. Although he was a seventh-rank official before his mission, he had a clear understanding of the world's situation.
At that time, the Jin Army had invaded the Jianghuai area. Fang Xiru traveled to Haozhou (now Fengyang, Anhui) and was imprisoned by Jin Army Marshal He Shi Lieziren. He cut off fire and water, and used a sharp knife to kill him. Threatening, trying to force Fang Xinyu to sign an unequal treaty, Fang Xinyu did not change his expression, dealt with it calmly, and argued with reason. Faced with the threat from the Jin Army Marshal, Fang Xinyu was fearless and used his extraordinary courage and eloquence to He was convinced and was able to continue heading north.
Fang Xiru arrived at Bianliang (now Kaifeng), the capital of the Jin Kingdom. Wanyan Zonghao, the prime minister and marshal of the Jin Kingdom, sent people to the post to press him. Fang Xinyu refuted it with historical facts, which made the Jin people speechless. Speechless. Wanyan Zonghao personally took action, and Chen Bing met with Fang Xiru, and threatened that if he did not cede territory as soon as possible and pay compensation, he would lead his troops south to attack the Song Dynasty. Fang Xiru was not afraid of violence and argued hard with his arguments. Wanyan Zonghao was speechless and had nothing to say, so he reached a preliminary agreement with Fang Xiru.
In August of that year, Fang Xinru went to Bianliang three times with the "draft of the peace agreement" and "money to reward the army" from the two countries. Unexpectedly, Jin Guo went back on his word, unreasonably blamed Fang Xinyu, and even threatened to threaten him, "Does it mean that my sword is not good for you?" Fang Xinru was calm and unmoved after hearing the change. Faced with the new terms proposed by the Jin Kingdom such as increasing "money to reward the army", Fang Xinru resolutely refused to comply and was willing to die to serve the country. The Jin people understood Fang Xiru's courage during three negotiations with him, so they attacked Fang Xiru in their reply and asked the Song Dynasty to change envoys in an attempt to profit from it.
Fang Xinru returned to the court from the south and met the powerful minister Han Kanzhou. This man held the official positions of Prince Shaofu, Taishi, Pingyuan County Prince, and Pingzhangjun State Affairs. His power was higher than that of the Prime Minister. He wanted to do something for himself. To leave a good name in history, they tried every means to instigate Song Ningzong's Northern Expedition. At the beginning, the Song army achieved some small victories. Later, the Jin soldiers counterattacked and the Song army was defeated miserably. The Jin Dynasty demanded that the Song Dynasty cede territory, pay indemnity, declare itself a vassal, and punish the leader of the Northern Expedition. When Han Xinzhou heard that Fang Xinyu reported to the Kingdom of Jin that he "wanted the head of the Grand Master!", he was extremely angry. He took it out on Fang Xinyu arbitrarily and unreasonably and demoted him to Lingnan.
Later, the Song Dynasty envoy went to the Jin Kingdom and learned that Fang Xinru insisted on refusing to give up any ground during the negotiations. In order to express his merit, Emperor Ningzong of the Song Dynasty issued an edict to commend him. Although Song Ningzong protected Han Kanzhou, he had no choice but to execute Han Kanzhou due to strong pressure from the Kingdom of Jin and the court ministers.
A few years later, Fang Xinyu was impeached because he was framed. He finally returned to his hometown, his family was in dire straits, his friends were all gone, he was depressed, and he died young at the age of 45. However, history has its own justice. "History of the Song Dynasty: Fang Xiru's Biography" spoke highly of Fang Xiru, who "served as an envoy at a young age, but used his spirit to defeat the Jin people." He ignored the threat of death and disregarded life and death. His deeds can be seen in ancient and modern history books. His great wisdom and bravery, concern for the country and the people, and determination to serve the country are widely praised.
In the blink of an eye in 800, the poems and stone carvings inscribed by Fang Xinyu have now become cultural relics and have become key cultural relics protection units of local governments. For example, the inscriptions of Liurong Temple in Guangzhou, the inscriptions of Pazhou in Huangpu, the inscriptions of Yunfeng Temple in Guilin, the stone carvings of Ma'anshan in Liuzhou and Jiuyi Mountain in Yongzhou, etc. Particularly worth mentioning is the Yuguan Rock in Jiuyi Mountain, Yongzhou, Hunan. This is a famous stone mountain cave. The stream outside the cave is like a jade belt, passing around the mountain. On the right wall of the cave entrance is an inscription written by Fang Xinyu, the governor of Daozhou in the Southern Song Dynasty. "Jiuyi Mountain" has three big characters, 1.8 meters high and 1.9 meters wide. The writing is vigorous and powerful. It is integrated with the Zixia Rock and forms a self-contained entity. It is a provincial key cultural relic protection unit.
The Fang Xiru stone carving on Jinzhi Rock in Qingyuan, "Who will recognize Jinzhi again in the fairy city", records a beautiful relationship between this famous writer and calligrapher in the Southern Song Dynasty and Qingyuan. Wandering around during it, it always makes people recall He was upright and upright at a time when the nation was in danger and lived up to his noble mission.