There were so many corrupt officials in every dynasty, and there were three huge corrupt officials in Kangxi period. One of them is Xu, a very learned man in Qing Dynasty, a great scholar and a teacher of Nalan Xingde. Successive ministers of punishments, Zuodu suggestion. He was one of the main corrupt officials in the Hubei governor's corruption case, but after Kangxi knew about it, he only sent Xu back to his hometown and did not give other punishment.
Another corrupt official is Gao Shiqi, who is one of the main officials in the corruption case of Hubei provincial governor. Especially from the grassroots, but he has the ability to write in brush. Kangxi loves him very much, but he has never been admitted to Jinshi. After the corruption case broke out, Kangxi was forced to recall Gao Shiqi. After this incident, Gao Shiqi was taken seriously.
Another corrupt official is Jiali, a noble in the Qing Dynasty, whose parents fought against Nurhachi. About the time of Kangxi's war, Kerry delivered food and grass in time, so he was loved by Kangxi, and was later valued by Kangxi and promoted to the governor of Shanxi. Jia Li is one of the main corrupt officials in Jiangnan scientific research case. After this incident broke out, Kerry was sent home, and Kangxi did not make any punishment.
In short, due to Kangxi's tolerance for corrupt officials, he fought in other areas all the year round, which caused a serious emptiness in the treasury at the end of Kangxi. But during the reign of Kangxi, he also made many achievements. For example, the Kangxi Dictionary compiled by him has promoted cultural exchanges across the country and shared weal and woe with soldiers. He also translated some foreign classic works into Chinese for people to read. He also set up an experimental field and invited special people to use western medicine for patients. Every king has shortcomings and achievements, but some kings have minor shortcomings and some kings have minor shortcomings.